$15 Digital PH Meter, both solutions and free shipping


Active Member
I skimped on my ph meter and bought the Milwaukee one. I WOULD NEVER SKIMP AGAIN on such an important piece of a grow. These things are ticking time bombs.
I have had this PH meter for a year now, and haven't had an issue, calibrate it before every use and bought new calibration solution, 3 part, but thats it...This post was meant for peeps who can't afford the pricier pens, turned out well for me, also helps to have a background in lab. I work in the Waste Water Industry..PH, CL2, TDS, Microbes, all part of my job. If you keep this pen clean, stored correctly, and calibrated often, it works.


Active Member
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:thanks dude, i have just ordered one. standard one in the uk is x30 for about a tenner. just ordered one £6.50 inc special delivery, and its x100. cant wait to see the majical world from even closer..... thanks again. you might want to tag that find in a thread of its own, its a great find im sure we all could benefit from cheaply...
Whoa guys, check out what else i found on the website.
"60x-100 x Zoom Mini Pocket Led Light Microscope Magnifier" US$6.94 (Worldwide Free Shipping)

Hand held 100x microscope, for $7!