15 mins to police come - threatnd :D


Well-Known Member
She wont go... .she starts screaming and crying when i want to ring up her mum to get her,..

then she fucking starts telling me what a cunt i am, that i cheated on her.. that i took cocaine and fuck'd loads of women ..

I cant take it anymore !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ahh man i cant chop my plants... there the only reason i am still here !
call her from your cell and tell her your really far away, like ehm i dunno... something that takes like 2 hours to get to, how bout xou tell her your in zurich then the cops will go there :D


Well-Known Member
She wont go I wont go !

I dont see why she wont leave if she thinks that about me... prob telling her parents shit aswell..

Oh well she's fuck'd up ! 2 more weeks of hell and i am gone !


ahh man i cant chop my plants... there the only reason i am still here !

the cops were already at your door.... how much closer do you need?? you can always plant again when the smoke clears... i feel your pain; good luck, and keep us updated with whatever you decide to do.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I think I would plant some drugs on here and get her caught so you have some time to get your shit together.


Well-Known Member
do you really want to stay with a women that will call the cops on you when shes pissed
listen if you want to make her SO PISSED pour bleach in her oil tank
that shit will eat right through her car over night and you have revenge
you dont drive her anywhere
you take all your stuff and leave, she cant follow you

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, there is no problems, just solutions.... (John Lennon), So now figure out how to get out of the BS situation that you got your ass into. It make take awhile, but each day work on a solution. If you don't, don't question why things are still fucked up. Get advise from trusted friends, or anything to cut the strangle-hold bind that you are in. Good Luck, Dude.


Well-Known Member
do you really want to stay with a women that will call the cops on you when shes pissed
listen if you want to make her SO PISSED pour bleach in her oil tank
that shit will eat right through her car over night and you have revenge
you dont drive her anywhere
you take all your stuff and leave, she cant follow you
Great idea


Well-Known Member
:( i just want to be loved like i loved her.... guess that was to much to ask for.....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
we live together...

You live together and she called the po po on you for growing? OK... it's time to get out of this situation.

1st) Cut down your plants and dispose of all the evidence where you can't be connected to it. (in other words NOT YOUR TRASH!). Yes it sucks... but the objective is to STAY FREE and grow another day. You for sure can't grow in jail ;)

2nd.) Rent a storage unit today...... pack up any weed you have laying around (vacuum seal in bags if you can), pipes, bongs etc.... all your grow equipment and supplies and take it to your storage unit. DO NOT TELL your crazy g/f you have rented a storage unit. If she asks where your grow shit went it's none of her fucking business.... you are done with her!

3rd) Once you get all the incriminating stuff out of your house you can relax a little. Tell that bitch you are moving out. If you are renting... give the landlord YOUR 30 day notice... do this directly so you are not held accountable for the place after you leave. Start packing immediately. Fuck her if she starts crying and screaming.... let her call the police... you got everything out of the house... she has proof of nothing. She'll end up looking like a crazy bitch and perhaps get in trouble for making false accusations. Once your 30 days are up get a truck and load up all your shit (you had a month to pack... should be easy). Take your shit to your storage unit. Next... go crash with friends or family until you can get back on your feet and get your own place.

Lastly.... for goodness sake... when you walk out the door for the last time DO NOT let crazy woman know where you are going. Change your cell number and wash your hands of her.

Things will NOT magically get better. She has showed you her true colors.... she narc'd you out to the COPS! It's time to man up and get yourself out of that situation! Fuck her if she cries... stupid bitch should have thought about it before she tried to get you arrested!


Well-Known Member
dude none of these people are giving you the advice that you need.

Have the most AMAZING sex with her, better then she has ever had in her ENTIRE LIFE. then she will totally feel better, you will be less stressed out. and then kill her. kill her and get the fuck out of there FAST.


Well-Known Member
:( i just want to be loved like i loved her.... guess that was to much to ask for.....

A woman like this can't offer you any love. Her only goal is to hurt you. A real woman would confront you, and if she got the answer she suspected she would was her hands of you and be done. Like florida girl said...do this by the books. Get rid of your shit, and wash your hands of her. The more time you spend with this chick the more bullshit she's going to bring into your life.


Well-Known Member
dude none of these people are giving you the advice that you need.

Have the most AMAZING sex with her, better then she has ever had in her ENTIRE LIFE. then she will totally feel better, you will be less stressed out. and then kill her. kill her and get the fuck out of there FAST.

Lol...wow. You sound like my boy. "Kill the bitch, and all your problems will disappear".