150 vS 250 HPS


Well-Known Member
ffrigggg lol... was perfect man.. site was legit and all.. but lowest HPS they got is 600W lol... :S grrr!!! + rep for trying so hard tho!! we'll keep looking haha


Well-Known Member
haha i have met Bubbles before but that is all.. haha im only like 5 hours away from them tho lol


Well-Known Member
checked those three out. No 150 or 250.. The last site is just for bulbs as well... man this is rediculous.. i think i found a solution...


Active Member
Look at those other links I Just put up. True, a 150 watt does not need a cooltube, just good airflow. A 400 watt HPS has more then double the lumens of a 150 watt HPS, so think about something that will scale up when you want to expand your grow op. You live a lone?


Well-Known Member
with my girlfriend yes. She doesnt mind the growing. But a 400 HPS is to much. I have no plans to expand my grow. I just want to have 1-2 plants going at a time. For personal use only.


Active Member
Well A 400 watt is very nice for 1 or 2 plants... You would get very dank bud. You don't really need a cooltube, just a air duct cooling system hooked up to the light, that exhaust somewhere else.


go with the 250 watter its got almost 29k lumens and puts out very little heat and can be kept close to buds

check out www.insidesun.com they have good lights for cheap


Well-Known Member
yeah but 400W starts talking money to buy it as well to run it haha. Power aint cheap here bro.