150w CMH Scrog

Yeah I should have bought some ph up when I had the chance didn't think I would be needing it. I've just flushed with water ph 6.5 today to get rid of the salts and bring the soil ph back to balance. Will start the shooting powder on the 30th can't wait to try it out. Hope the buds fatten up nicely and I get a decent yield would be gutted if ended up with less than a oz or something after how much time and effort I put in, but I guess it is what it is.
So ppl I plan to harvest around the 26th, could keep flushing a little longer if they need it thanks to my main man helping me out with that decision. Looking nice at 26 days, to think they have another 31 days to fatten up and put on the weight. Enjoy the bud porn!


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I hate guessing on yield but I'de say there's roughly 18-22g right now. Considering you are only 26 days in you might still double or triple that. 1.2 - 2.4 oz, that gives me some wiggle room to be off ;) But if I had to put my money on a single number I would say 3.67 oz to keep it optimistic.
I hate guessing on yield but I'de say there's roughly 18-22g right now. Considering you are only 26 days in you might still double or triple that. 1.2 - 2.4 oz, that gives me some wiggle room to be off ;) But if I had to put my money on a single number I would say 3.67 oz to keep it optimistic.

Thanks for the optimism bro, I wouldn't mind a fat 3 and a half :) But it is what it is I guess, only one way to find out.
Fed them today gave them 3ml of grow and about 5ml of bloom. From what I have experienced bio bizz is not all that bad at lease the grow and bloom, and after reading some info its not going to have drastic salt build up in the soil. Shooting powder next feed :) Some more bud porn, the smell is ridiculously good!


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Fed them today gave them 3ml of grow and about 5ml of bloom. From what I have experienced bio bizz is not all that bad at lease the grow and bloom, and after reading some info its not going to have drastic salt build up in the soil. Shooting powder next feed :) Some more bud porn, the smell is ridiculously good!

Looking funky indeed, ryzla! I haven't heard about shooting powder before. What's the intended purpose?

I know you were talking about harvesting, but from the looks of those pistils (nearly all still white,) it seems early to me. Then again, I'm a total novice and my input should always be fact-checked, ha. I was under the impression that the grower should wait until a fair number of the pistils had gone orange (to say nothing of cloudy/amber trichrome ratios.)
Thanks Kriznarf. Shooting powder is a late flower booster, its very powerful and has the potential so the manufactures claim to increase my yield by 20-30 percent. Apparently its the best late flower enhancer on the market from the reviews I have read. Not cheap though here in little Britain its a tenner for a 100g sachet (I only plan on using 15 grams on my little girls).

Not planning on harvesting now mate, just trying to figure round about the time to harvest. I start shooting powder feeding tomorrow for the next three weeks then flush for one or two weeks, then chop chop :) A while to go yet mate. I am also a novice this is my first grow.
Thanks man, just found a branch with a couple of pollen sacks on them they were not open yet but its fucked up. Man fucking hermaphrodite flavoured donkey dick! I hope I don't get a bunch of seeds, it was a weedy lower branch that didn't get a lot of light, I hope to hight heaven its the only one. I ripped that fucker out quick time. Mother fucker!!!!
Thanks man, just found a branch with a couple of pollen sacks on them they were not open yet but its fucked up. Man fucking hermaphrodite flavoured donkey dick! I hope I don't get a bunch of seeds, it was a weedy lower branch that didn't get a lot of light, I hope to hight heaven its the only one. I ripped that fucker out quick time. Mother fucker!!!!

Rough break! I've been thinking about trimming all of the smaller bud-sites on my lower branches. Figure the plants can put the energy into the top cola. No pop-corn required. At least you caught it early! Could have been way worse. Oh, and thanks for the info on the shooting powder.
Hey rzla, internet has been down so was mia for a bit. Things are looking good other than that damn hermy branch. Sorry to hear about the pollen sacks, but long as you got them before they opened it shouldn't bother the rest of the plant. You might want to start checking everyday for more just in case though.
Just trimmed the lower branches under the screen of all buds not risking an outbreak of balls. Got my self some little nugs to smoke, will give a mini pre smoke report when I next get some time to roll a fat blunt probably next Saturday :) I've been checking the garden all day for signs of balls found two more sacks in the process of trimming the lower buds off also trimmed some lower leaves off to allow light to get to the buds above the screen. As some of you have said I should be happy that I caught it early could have been a whole lot worse. I want to say fuck GHSC and their genetics but think that would be a little hash as I probably stressed them with the screen plus the temperature has sometimes not been ideal 26C+ could be a combination of things. Well like I keep saying it is what it is at the end of the day just keep praying they turn out nice big juicy monster buds dripping with goodness :)
Fed them today, been a bit busy with other things so forgot that I needed some instrument to measure out 15g's of shooting powder so I had to order scales couldn't start today with the shooting powder didn't want to risk adding it by guessing :S It would properly fuck them up if I got it wrong. Should have the shooting powder in next feed :) Some more pics from today. Coming along well!


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Damn those are some frosty looking nugs. You really went all out on thinning them out below the screen, hopefully that'll prevent any future problems.
Damn those are some frosty looking nugs. You really went all out on thinning them out below the screen, hopefully that'll prevent any future problems.

Thanks Kawizzr. Yeah mate got rid of all that small fluffy stuff from under the screen wasn't worth keeping it. Spot on mate prevention is better than cure. Got a party to go to this weekend so will be rolling a fatty, hopefully will get me and my mates high as kites :P
Very nice, and it's only going to get better as harvest approaches. I'm jealous, still got another few weeks of veg before I'll throw my current batch into flower. Before then I need to invest in a good carbon filter system though, used a diy last time and it didn't cut it for me. I'm trying to do everything right this time so I won't have to be changing anything again.
Yo people just got done with exams Uni's a bitch sometimes, need to chill after that fucking intense session. Pretty good stuff rolled a blunt and three hits I am pretty fucking high, the taste isn't there yet, it was only dried for like 3 days, needs a good cure to get those flavours out. The smell is berry but still got that hay smell to it. Only the lower nugs cant wait to roll with a fat top bud. Some pics from today, started the shooting powder should see some results in about a week.


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Yo people just got done with exams Uni's a bitch sometimes, need to chill after that fucking intense session. Pretty good stuff rolled a blunt and three hits I am pretty fucking high, the taste isn't there yet, it was only dried for like 3 days, needs a good cure to get those flavours out. The smell is berry but still got that hay smell to it. Only the lower nugs cant wait to roll with a fat top bud. Some pics from today, started the shooting powder should see some results in about a week.

Those things look great!
Just got back after a weekend away, man have they put on weight, the shooting powder is well worth it. Check these bad boys out!


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