150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

How do i get it from iphoto to this stuff? sorry a little ignorant when it comes to posting things
true true crack in another forum i had said that it does depend on the strains too and different needs for different seeds. As far as the rust spots are they on the leaves themselves or just on the tips? as far as water go if you have any type of wildoats wholefoods or just a place that you can refill water its not that much for reverse osmosis water. I get mine for 29 cents a gallon and it gets the whole worry of what might be in the water off your mind.

The rust spots in the middle of the leaf not the tip... Reverse osmosis water I'ma have to look into that 'preciate it yo. Peace.
These are the lights that are at "Deeps"

This is the metal halide....100w

This is the 150w HPS. They also make a 250w version of this....
Think the 150 will be good enough for 4 plants with 2 CFL's a piece?
Can I join the club? I've got a 150w hps and three fluoros in a 3'x3'x4' tall home made box. Growing bag seed first to make sure I haven't forgotten how. Hopefully the good seeds will arrive soon. Only been two weeks since I ordered them. Anyway, If you look at my profile I have two albums of the set up and my intitial go at an LST on a few of my current plants. I love feedback, so let her rip!
Cult id looovvee to have more than one but i don't have anytype of glass shield or venting box that contains the light... If someone could tell me how to out picks up i could show you all
I know that if you send the pics as a multimedia msg to your email address instead of a number that you can download them from there, then upload to the site

be aware that you will prolly have to resize the pics
It may just be easier than a stoner can make it hard. I got it sorry about the light i was trying to take them fast and i think the light color differences were too much for the phone.... Whadda yah think let me know guys


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not lookin too bad Mile :D
looks like your hps could do with lowering a lil tho imo, with adequate venting and the fans strategically place you shouldnt have any heat issues, even in a small grow area
let me give that a whirl and see if it gets too hot... i just don't know what to do with the intake if you can see the hole opening where i had the fan. It was blowing cold air right on my pots and making the soil too cold so now its hanging but i know i can maxamize this by getting a fan to blow it in i dunno any info would help thanks. if you can see for the exhaust i have a fan and then again an inline 6in ductfan connection to ducting
check this shit,
6 weeks flowering today
she is 14inches tall. i vegged for 17days

great bag seed
2 150watt hps's from htg in flower
vegged with cfl's
2gal pot
expert bloom burst
peatmoss and perlite soiless mix

shes a lil one but im proud of her
she smells just like a fresh fruit salad. and is sticky as hell.
all trichs are clear at the moment under 60x mag
fuck yea smokey!!!! thats what im talking about bnro. good for you man. im so happy you didnt get clapped. thanks sc3!!!!!
Wassup guys? Just wanted to chime in, I also know of an op with 1 150 HPS and 4 large CFLS that is doing just dandy growin 4 hot stank hoes. The 150 is mounted under a large 2 x 3 stainless steel sheild. Question I have always had... Is it better to hang a 150 bulb vertically over VS. horizontal under the shield?? Any help/ideas would be great. Will get some pics and journal details to share if any of you are intrested in the op.
you just opened up a can of worms you cant shut man, this has been a debate on this thread forever. i got horizontal always
Sorry if this is a redundant question. There is a ton of great info in this thread; have been reading through for a while now to see what has been said on this topic. Will read through more and see what the can this can of worms is all about. Thanks for any info, this site is kick ass.