i use the microwave when i want to speed dry, put it on defrost for a min or so, on low to med power
lol, cool...ima smoke me a blunt nowYeah that's what i'm planning on doing it seems like its gotten better since i turned off one of my fans i think they were getting a little cold..
cold temps will also tend to make the plants have a lil reddish/purple tinge to them
....speaking of cold i have to say Frosty puts his shit on defrost to get the weed dry..
Lol yeah lil popcorn sized premmies dry in the microwave(frostys arch nemesis) quite well..
i also use the mwave for sterilising compost...nuke the shit outta it for 7mins, totally bug free and kills any potentially hazardous spores
.im a little high and thats a little funny!
i am fucked up lol
its gonna be some great smoke lol i pulled the smallest lower bud i could. had 4 seeds in it!!!! fucker. but the bud after being in the microwave a few times on half power for 5 secs each didnt burn well obviously but wow am i suprised!
Thanks DL, yeah this stain is allegedly an 10 wk strain... which i've found to be complete BS everytime i've grown it... it always sees to be around 14-17 wks, but tbh its worth the wait.Nice frosty! 14 weeks damn that seems like forever but looks good man.
Frosty man, thats one stupid crazy lady you have on your hands. Wow! Flowering cycle of 14 weeks with another 2 to go??!! Nuts man. Nice plant though...very nice... So, I just have to ask. Hows the 150 setup abover her? The 150 op (I mentioned earlier) dropped the bulb outta the batwing and its hanging close to the girls now. Of course it would be too early to see any results, but the girls looked much happier after 2 12/12 cycles. Keep us posetd on her status.