150W HPS good for whole grow 1 plant?


Well-Known Member
G'day, I was just wondering as the subject suggests whether one 150W hps with relfector would be decent for growing a plant through all stages? The reason i ask is I've found a deal that is around $30au (used and working) absolute bargain! I'm assuming this is way better than CFLs. How would it go for veg? Cheers!


Well-Known Member
it would be great for veg & even better for flower. & yes it should be more than adequate for 1 plant. I would recommend buiding a small box to contain the light & using mylar on the walls to get the most out of the light. Also don't let the plant get too big b4 you flower. I don't have experience growing w/ a 150 but I would guess you would want to start flowering cycle after it reaches about 10-12 inches.

& make sure it doesn't get too hot! Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
150w hps is great, sure it's small but if you know what you're doing you can do more than just one plant it could keep you stocked with weed forever...

But yea I agree with what gforce says, flower at 12" or less plant height and you're good.

Take clones and start a perpetual grow with a sea of green, plants in 16oz contaners vegged to 8" for single cola's that don't take a lot of room.