150w HPS or 300 watt CFL?


Ok i have a small cabinet thats only 30" high which one should i use there both around the same lumens think CFL is about 20,000 lumens and HPS is 15,000 im gonna be growing autoflowers using the SOG method in 3.5 litre pots the area of the cabinet is 24"x18" im considering CFL becuase if my plant get to tall they wont get burnt by the light so what do you think CFL or HPS for my growing conditions also electricity is a concern does a 300 watt CFL use less energy than a 150 watt HPS?


Well-Known Member
a 300w cfl usses 300w and a 150 hps usses 150w. but my 150w hps gets pretty hot and in my cabnet it raises the temp pritty high i dont know how hot the cfl will get but i imagine its less so in your cab i would go with the cfl. it will use more power but i think in your conditions it will be the better choice


Hmmm... if i use 2 12cm pc fans as the exhausts and another for intake the temps should be fine right if not i could add an extra fan, how would i keep an autoflower at around 10 inches in height? if i used 3.5 litre pots (0.8 gallons) would that work to keep them small? and how tall do lowryder purple jems get if you know :D


Well-Known Member
the fans would help the heat as for the pots mine are about that size and my 2 short ryders and my nl auto are all about 2ft tall so the small pots havent helped to keep them small. about the only thing you can do lst. i have no idea how tall the lowryders get


Well-Known Member
you guys are forgetting another important factor here..


How many lumens are you going to get with the 150? and how many would you get with the CFLs?

Personally? I would use both.. the 150HPS.. and the 300watt CFL combined. But that's just my opinion.. and whats funny is when I first started growing years ago.. I started out with around 350watts of CFL bulbs.. did very well to my surprise. Gave me enough smoke for personal enjoyment.. which is the only reason I grow anyhow.. is for my personal usage only.

After a few harvests of just CFL bulbs.. I went ahead and added a 150hps.. doubled my yields.

I currently run almost the same lighting setup pretty much.. except now.. I have 2 150's... and 350watts of CFLs.

I use the 150's for my top lighting.. for the top of my plants.. and the CFL lights.. I use them for my side lighting.

Works great!!

Anyhow, just trying to help. Good luck with everything.



Well-Known Member
we didnt forget about the lumens he said the lumens on his first post and all things combined i think he would be better off with the cfl that was assuming he wanted one or the other
Your going to have heat issues with those fans if you use the HPS light. Your CFL's will be fine but might want to consider a stronger fan if your going to use the HPS.


Yeh CFL sounds more doable for my space would a 300w dual spectrum CFL be best it has seperate filaments one side red spec and other blue spec? nothing serious just personal use aiming for around 2 oz maybe :D off 4-6 autoflowers