15th week Flowering, 3 weeks NO GROWTH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
you were definitely rootbound man, i hope you transplanted to some 5 gallon buckets, your plants will probably looove the extra room for roots and start growing again. although, i am glad your getting that HPS cuz i think the MH has too much blue spectrum and not enough red, on the other hand a HPS with a blue spectrum will work great


Active Member

They all have appeared to grow a little, but still no major change, even in the one transplanted. Still waiting for the HPS Bulb.


Well-Known Member
Am i the only person who thinks something is really wrong with that plant? I mean the buds are nice and fat and whatnot but it looks like its crying....


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it's taking so long because you are using a mh light..... from what I understand mh is best for veg and hps is the best for flowering
I use MH all the way and the buds have not been fluffy yet. Always dense.


Active Member
Update: THEY ARE GROWING! Switched to HPS, its been about 2 days and I already see growth, I'll let you know in a few days if that was the real problem solver