1600 w Purple Kush medical garden, grow journal.


First time grow, Currently 18 days into flowering.

1000 W and 600 W in a bathroom. Carbon Filter, AC unit etc. for 12 plants.

Had a bunch of noob questions, and small issues I came across along the way, just want to try and help anyone that might have any of the same issues.

Temps between 70-76 in the dark and 74-80 in the light.

5 gallon square pots filled up with Fox Farms ocean forest and perlite at about 60/40 mix.

Vegged under a 600 MH hortilux then when kicked into flowering switched to a 1000 and a 600 w hortilux HPS.

Running Very Very mellow Canna nutes, with a side of kool bloom.

Heres the clones from oaksterdamn, getting started, from two batches two days apart, and the two laggers have yet to catch up, but are at least healthy.

I was giving my plants WAY too much nutes, not realizing how hot the soil was. AS well as running tap water, WHen I changed both of these, at different times, It made a BIG difference. Went to running just water with a little cannzyme to stimulate root growth. ppm test out to 30 ppm

I was also Over watering, which was something I Was confused about. I thought I needed to water often and only dampen the soil, I had it all wrong. Thanks RIU, now I know I was depriving my roots oxygen by not letting the soil get dry. And I started watering till water ran out the bottom of the pots, and waited till the top finger depth of the soil felt dry till I watered again.

Veggin for a bit, gettin bushy. Using a little LST, apparently i started them a bit to early. I Was told in other threads, but I like the result, I released them after two weeks of holding them down and then kicked to flower, gave em a ton of colas.

heres 4 weeks into veg
Running cannazyme still at 3ml/g and terra vega at 4 ml/g Plants love it, And when I Ran it for the first time after clean water for a bit, They perked up and just looked generally healthier. ppm tested out to about 60-80 ppm

The start of flowering, I got em started somewhat quick, But i have limited space, And am planning on setting up in a different location after this harvest.

these are pics from between 14-18 days into flowering.
Running Kool bloom at about 5 ml/g and terra flores at 5 ml/g

About to take clones and get some veggin out for next batch. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looks great man. I will enjoy following this thread as our goals are relatively similar.

Purple Kush is a great strain and its good to see you got ahold of the real deal.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
imo, it's an overkill on light for plants that small sitting that close together. everything looks tits though!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I bet for plants that small that a 600 would do it all. For a 4x4 space a 600 will be all you need to flower plants that small. If you are nervous I would just use the 1000 then. I bet you will move to trees soon so a 1000 will be the keeper.

Well, maybe a sog? How do you feel after small plants? Go more small or go trees. I went for trees, but I see some sogs. I can stay legal and harvest 4 plants in seven gallons every two months. That keeps me in smoke, I hope :)

As always plants in flower in a sog do look sexy.


Yeah, I bet for plants that small that a 600 would do it all. For a 4x4 space a 600 will be all you need to flower plants that small. If you are nervous I would just use the 1000 then. I bet you will move to trees soon so a 1000 will be the keeper.

Well, maybe a sog? How do you feel after small plants? Go more small or go trees. I went for trees, but I see some sogs. I can stay legal and harvest 4 plants in seven gallons every two months. That keeps me in smoke, I hope :)

As always plants in flower in a sog do look sexy.
SO, is it the space im working in, OR my hurried kick into flowering that makes the light overkill? I was planning on vegging much longer and getting them a bit more spaced out/ trained. Im moving to a new location after this harvest, SO i decided to kick into flowering a bit earlier than be cramped for time at the end of harvest, when it really helps to have the extra few days for letting trichs really develop.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
hurried kick. more veg, more penetration is needed. I am just thinking. After all you got great results. better to have too much than too little. Lots of personal factors to your set up/



not sure whats up, but only seeing it on one plant, yellowing of the leaves on the lower growth, buds and top growth still looking good.


dirt clean

Well-Known Member
lol, that is a lot of light! That 600 is way more than eneough. Nice tho. Are all those pics old. I swear I missed them first time. I would keep the 600. Too much light is prob not a needed thing. Lucky man, those plants and you can prob save a 1000 watts.

I do hate to be the guy to tell you less light. Find a lumen calculaotr and see how much over that you are. :)