Well it’s coming down to the end of this run, only a couple of weeks left and they are all doing great … I do have a great suggestion for fungus gnats I haven’t seen anyone mention but maybe I am wrong about that… it’s play sand about 2 inches thick on the top of whatever medium (soil) your using,with the yellow plastic fly traps you stick in your soil really got rid of them quickly, the sand makes it hard for fungus to start and the flies have a hard time in it as well it shreds their bodies to oblivion and they die trying to dig through it to lay eggs… just a heads up if no one else has mentioned this technique to you yet, it worked fast and efficiently for me!
Cake and Bruce Banner strains great aromas and fun strains to grow!
Please share your thoughts your insights are greatly appreciated, happy harvesting everyone!
Cake and Bruce Banner strains great aromas and fun strains to grow!
Please share your thoughts your insights are greatly appreciated, happy harvesting everyone!
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