$170,000,000! Where's the outrage?


New Member
So far, the cost of Obama's inauguration is up to ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS!

Where's the outrage from the Liberals? Remember when Bush's inauguration cost 90 million? Hell, every liberal in the country shit their pants ... Keith Olbermann shit his twice.

Just think what $170,000,000 would do. Why, we could feed the homeless, pay for the starving children's medical care and buy more pink ribbons to decorate "churches" for Gay marriages!

What say you "Progressives?" Are you just going to sit still for this travesty? Are you going to stomp your feet and cry like pussies like you did when Bush was sworn in?

I suspect you will do nothing and say nothing ... just like the hypocrites you are.



Well-Known Member
Vi, The Price tag for any inauguration is always astronomical, As I recall GW Bush's price tag was somewhere around that figure.
You just can not stand the fact that the Political Pendulum has swung the other way.
The Republicans lived a life of excess over the past 8 years and then now they want to point fingers. When one points fingers, that person has to remember that there are 3 fingers pointing back at that person.

The (so-called) Conservative had their chance, they got drunk with the headiness of power and blew it. Now it is time for the old guard to step out of the way and let a new day dawn.

One thing I noticed when John McCain lost the election to Obama was the contrast of the people at Each event.
The people at McCain's concession speech were aged and angry, where as the people at Obama's victory Speech were young and optimistic.
This is a simple handing over of the torch from the old to the young.
No party is Anti-American, No set of political ideals are better than the other.

Bitterness will get you nowhere in life Vi, Move forward, no sour grapes.


Well-Known Member
Its interesting that one of Obamas themes to his speech was for America to quit the petty partisan bickering. Vi the young people of this nation have spoken, we are are moving on with or without you.

You should take her advice Vi.

. In fact, she made an appeal to haters like yourselves to put the negative rhetoric aside and to move forward.

In other words, in comparison to many who post here, Palin has class.



Well-Known Member
I would rather that money had been used to investigate and prosecute the criminal violations committed by Bush / Cheney but there is still plenty of money available for that :)


Well-Known Member
Vi, The Price tag for any inauguration is always astronomical,
that is absurd, "It's always astronomical" doesn't wash. The money could be better spent elsewhere

As I recall GW Bush's price tag was somewhere around that figure.
that's way too much. The money could be better spent elsewhere

Now it is time for the old guard to step out of the way and let a new day dawn.
same shit different box
I haven't heard much from Obama plan wise except for the health care policy he wants. It will be paid for by money we don't have which means we'll have to print more up, which means the dollar will devalue. Thanks for looking out for me Federal Government. Like I said, same shit different box

One thing I noticed when John McCain lost the election to Obama was the contrast of the people at Each event. The people at McCain's concession speech were aged and angry, where as the people at Obama's victory Speech were young and optimistic. This is a simple handing over of the torch from the old to the young.
I was bitter and angry when it came down to a choice between the failed policies of McCain and the failed policies of Obama.
dont trust anyone over 30 lmao

No party is Anti-American, No set of political ideals are better than the other.
I disagree. The Congressmen who supported the Patriot Act are UnAmerican. Un American, Anti American potato potahto
The political ideals espoused by the main stream Republicans and Democrats do not represent the people. The overwhelming support for no bailout was ignored. How soon we forget.

Bitterness will get you nowhere in life Vi, Move forward, no sour grapes.
What do I have to look forward towards? A short term fix that benefits the segment of the population I happen to fall into but will have bad long term consequences? Oh happy day.


New Member
So far, the cost of Obama's inauguration is up to ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS!

Where's the outrage from the Liberals? Remember when Bush's inauguration cost 90 million? Hell, every liberal in the country shit their pants ... Keith Olbermann shit his twice.

Just think what $170,000,000 would do. Why, we could feed the homeless, pay for the starving children's medical care and buy more pink ribbons to decorate "churches" for Gay marriages!

What say you "Progressives?" Are you just going to sit still for this travesty? Are you going to stomp your feet and cry like pussies like you did when Bush was sworn in?

I suspect you will do nothing and say nothing ... just like the hypocrites you are.

170 mil as opposed to 11 trillion, yeah quite a comparrison.


Well-Known Member
170 million in itself is an inflated number. The actual number is more like $45 mil, which is about the same as Bush's and Clinton's inaugeration.

Nothing has changed. Nothing will change.

Theyre all just politicians. No one politician is better than the other. Theyre all liars, scam artists, and cheaters.


New Member
that is absurd, "It's always astronomical" doesn't wash. The money could be better spent elsewhere

that's way too much. The money could be better spent elsewhere

same shit different box
I haven't heard much from Obama plan wise except for the health care policy he wants. It will be paid for by money we don't have which means we'll have to print more up, which means the dollar will devalue. Thanks for looking out for me Federal Government. Like I said, same shit different box

I was bitter and angry when it came down to a choice between the failed policies of McCain and the failed policies of Obama.
dont trust anyone over 30 lmao

I disagree. The Congressmen who supported the Patriot Act are UnAmerican. Un American, Anti American potato potahto
The political ideals espoused by the main stream Republicans and Democrats do not represent the people. The overwhelming support for no bailout was ignored. How soon we forget.

What do I have to look forward towards? A short term fix that benefits the segment of the population I happen to fall into but will have bad long term consequences? Oh happy day.
You, Vi, Spitz, Max, and last but not least, TBT need to meet up and have a lets piss on obamas parade smoke out. Maybe it would make all you angry bitter fools feel better. The torch has been passed, Yeah fucking Yeah, get used to it.


Well-Known Member

As the Conservatives accused the Liberals of feelings of entitlement back when they lost both houses in 1994, the conservatives are acting just as the liberals did.

Please tell me, what great things have the Republicans done in the recent past? tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, ..... BUZZ!!!!!, not a god damned thing.

You talk about short term fixes and long term consequences, Ronald Regan did Deregulation, short term it was good, long term it put us in the mess we are now in.


New Member
That is an awful lot of money to be spent for a celebration. The money could have been better spent elsewhere. However if Obama didn't come in with a bang then people like Vi would accuse him of trying to quietly slink into the white house.

It doesn't matter, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I want him to address the number one issue from change.org and change.gov, decriminaliation and legalization.


Well-Known Member
So far, the cost of Obama's inauguration is up to ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS!

Where's the outrage from the Liberals? Remember when Bush's inauguration cost 90 million? Hell, every liberal in the country shit their pants ... Keith Olbermann shit his twice.

Just think what $170,000,000 would do. Why, we could feed the homeless, pay for the starving children's medical care and buy more pink ribbons to decorate "churches" for Gay marriages!

What say you "Progressives?" Are you just going to sit still for this travesty? Are you going to stomp your feet and cry like pussies like you did when Bush was sworn in?

I suspect you will do nothing and say nothing ... just like the hypocrites you are.

And what is your source for this figure?
If true ... the money could be used for something better ... but I didn't hear you bitching when the illegitimate bush regime bank rolled their party with Washington's homeland security funds ... not a peep ...

So lets see your source for this figure ... :clap:


Well-Known Member
That is an awful lot of money to be spent for a celebration. The money could have been better spent elsewhere. However if Obama didn't come in with a bang then people like Vi would accuse him of trying to quietly slink into the white house.

It doesn't matter, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I want him to address the number one issue from change.org and change.gov, decriminaliation and legalization.
Better if he had slunk into the white house. It would have meant that he didn't believe all the media BS about him winning a landslide victory. Damn fools in the media can't do math, and can't write honestly. Everything with them has to be blown out of proportion. Everything is 10x worse than it really is, and only 1/10th as good as it really is......

Unless it's a Democrat, then everything 10x better than it really is/was and 1/10th as bad as it really is/was.


Well-Known Member
let the stimulus begin how about those caterers!!!!!!
Probably nothing but white house staffers, they can go f* themselves, being government employees, which means I'm stuck paying their damn paychecks.

Speaking of white house staffers, how many servants are there in the White House?

Or should I be my usual asshole self (and take a page from the left's play book) and refer to them as oppressed slaves, stuck working for a corporate CEO, or the equivalent of one... Well more like all of them and then some...

Government remains the biggest, most corrupt corporation(s) on the face of the Earth.


Well-Known Member
Gotta spend money to make money . . . . He addressed a crowd of two million people, the guy is not afraid man. It's just a celebration Vi and it gets more expensive every time. I'm sure the next president will cost even more.


New Member
Probably nothing but white house staffers, they can go f* themselves, being government employees, which means I'm stuck paying their damn paychecks.

Speaking of white house staffers, how many servants are there in the White House?

Or should I be my usual asshole self (and take a page from the left's play book) and refer to them as oppressed slaves, stuck working for a corporate CEO, or the equivalent of one... Well more like all of them and then some...

Government remains the biggest, most corrupt corporation(s) on the face of the Earth.
The remnants of right wing ravings, from a defeated angry bitter loser.


Well-Known Member
Im ok with spending 170 m for this inauguration. No inauguration comes for free. But Im pissed off knowing, that we spend billions and billions on this stupid iraq war.