175watt MH in a 2x3 growbox


Well-Known Member
i have a 175 watt MH layin around and i was wundering if it would work with a small growbox (rubbermaid tub 6sq ft) i did all the math but it doesnt seem right to me


Well-Known Member
it would work but i'd say you have a really good chance of setting that plastic bucket on fire
really? mh gets that hot...it make sence i guess its a broken street light that has a plug wired to it

what are some safe alternatives? ill take a pic of the light


Well-Known Member
in order to run your MH you will need a ballast... or plug it into your outlet and watch it burn up since the voltage of a MH is much more powerful than a regular light


Well-Known Member
i allrdy have a 400watt hps for flowering and im getting a 600 put in there too so im good for flower

oh and i ment what are some other safe alternative ways to hang this light were it won't catch something on fire

heres pics