The rh could be too low, it's a very dry area, and it usually hovers between 10-20%
I'm about to post some pics and make a formal request in the plant problem section for help. I've tried these things, and she's only getting worse, and showing additional symptoms. With that information, SOMEONE should be able to give me an accurate diagnosis of my baby.
Ok, so here's the whole deal.;
Strain: Platinum OG Kush Bagseed
Age: 17-18 days
Soil: (REUSED-I know, stupid...) FFOF. Before using, I kept the soil moistened with pH balanced water, rotated and aerated it daily for a week, before transplanting my little sprout into it.
Pot size: 8.5in Diameter/7.5in height (approx 1.5 gallon pot) {21.6cm diameter/19.1cm height}
Lights:11PM - 9AM; 287 true-watts of light. I have 7 23W 6500K CFL's, and 3 42W 2300K CFL's running in there, with reflectors (picture with breakdown included)
Lights: 9AM-2:30PM; Direct Sunlight (everyday)
Watering: Been watering her every 4-6 days or so, whenever the pot feels light enough and she seems to need it.
Nutes: Since the soil has been leeched of any nutrients when I was reusing it, I did Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-16) at 1/8th strength) for one of the 4 waterings she's received.
The final watering (before issues), she was given about 20oz of water with 1 single drop of superthrive, as well as a misting with 1 drop in the spray bottle. { This worries me, as it was the last thing to happen before the onset of serious issues. But i've NEVER had a plant react to the stuff so drastically... so I have my doubts as to how much the Superthrive had to do with it.
rH: Hovers between 15-28%
Temps: Between 68°F - 81.5°F (depending on her light source)
Her problems began approx 40 hours or so ago. It began with her clawing as seen in the pics, and soon after, the leaf tips began to dry up and die, after turning a greenish yellow color.
Her new growth is looking a little yellowish, and everything is clawing and beginning to show the same signs as the second set of leaf tips did.
After all this, I realized i'd forgotten to check the runoff before transplant, and when I did, I found that the pH was extremely low, in the 3.5-4.0 area.
I gave her a good flush of R/O pH 6.5 pure water, about 160oz of water until the runoff was back to about 6.5 again.
But the final check I ran (5 of 5, when 4 and 3 were properly balanced) came out at about a 4.5 or so.
I thought I had this situation in hand, but I find myself growing more and more worried, as her growth will be stunted if I can't pull her out of this issue before long.
So, any advice or thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
The only information I can really find tells me that;
A) My soil pH is off and needs to be fixed.
B) She's suffering from Nitrogen abundance.
C) My rH is too low
D) The heat of the sun (I live in the desert, and the heat from direct sunlight isn't a joke here) is causing issues with her.
If anyone has dealt with this before, please let me know what I should do to fix it.
I'm considering doing another flush in order to confirm that her pH is well balanced... but I don't want to over saturate the soil if I don't have to. Flushing is more of a last resort then a cure-all in my opinion.
Please no insults about my poor choices. (primarily in my decision to REUSE soil, which was a big mistake)
So this was her just over 48 hours ago;

This was her at the onset of symptoms, it began with simple clawing on her second set of leaves (3 leaf set)

And sadly... this is her now. :'(

And the lighting setup for her currently. The grow is in a cardboard box, which i'm sure only drops the humidity even further.
I very much would love some feedback, and/or help. Thank you.