18 hour light during end of flowering

As everyone else has already said op your thinking of going the wrong way.
If you want to speed up flowering u reduced the hours of light on not increase. In my experience most strains will flower with anything above ten hours of darkness.

Some people gradually reduce lights on 1/2 hour per week til they get down to 8/16.
I use 8/16 from flip with no issues.

Good luck finishing your crop and I hope u get every gram you hoped for
No. There was a way in very late flower to force them to produce male flowers but it doesn't work with all strains. Think DR green thumb and Soma do it like that but most use Csilver or another chem to induce.

Greenthumb uses a variation on the STS formula....He does not stress reverse plants for S1's.

I had to say that so folks don't get the wrong idea from this crappy thread, that got dug up from 3 years of hibernation.....
You can actually flower plants with 8/40 with similar results to 8/16. Don't know about weed but probably similar. In the thing I read they were measuring how many flower buds appeared rather than what the weight yield was though. Could be some reduction. Something for someone to try who has the space. I wouldn't really use 8 hours light though, more like 12/36 maybe. It would mean fewer inductive cycles per week but the longer inductive cycles may compensate for the lower number of them. Or it could be a complete disaster, who knows.
Question fellas!?
Today lights stayed on an hour extra on accident, by he time I got to them they had turned off at 8:00pm, my schedule is 7pm off 7am on, I run two sides against both walls, on one side is LED other HPS, the led has a weird built in timer that saved 8:00pm the HID side is on timers so they turned off anyways i didn't want to open the door and get more light in after they had already been off for 10 mins or so to change the timers to 8am. Should I have changed @8am instead of 7am, so they get a full 12 hour of darkness? Now they are on schedule to turn on tomorrow morning 7am they are two weeks into flowering with flowers showing. Should I have changed it to turn on @ 8am anyways? Hopefully they don't hermie on me... any thoughts anyone??
Usually takes about 15 mins for flowering plants to go to sleep , once asleep though they should never be exposed to more than star light for 12 hours+, moon light can drastically affect plants to, there's a reason why they call it a harvest moon, 12+ of sleep is needed to build up the hormones that cause flowering, the interruption of that causes stress, which leads to hermies and lower cannabinoid count. A one time fuck up isn't a big deal early in flower cause its still transitioning to flower till week 3-4
Usually takes about 15 mins for flowering plants to go to sleep , once asleep though they should never be exposed to more than star light for 12 hours+, moon light can drastically affect plants to, there's a reason why they call it a harvest moon, 12+ of sleep is needed to build up the hormones that cause flowering, the interruption of that causes stress, which leads to hermies and lower cannabinoid count. A one time fuck up isn't a big deal early in flower cause its still transitioning to flower till week 3-4
15 mins indoor?
15 mins indoor?
Yes, out doors I've seen them go through midnight before shut down , and a few hours before lights come on/ sun rise they start getting Ready for the sun! Using a night vision camera I found after two grows cycles plants like to do a lot of growing during the last 5 hours of the night! Possibly majority in my opinion! But again that 12 hours of sleep is essential, I've had okay luck up to 11h45m of sleep with a bump in yield ,but it seems much past that slows down everything, at 11h30m it took my 11 week super silver 16.5 weeks to finish with a big hit to resin production. 13hours of sleep helps preserve more resin on a plant along with cutting a week or two off of your harvest time at the price of a 40+% yeild loss
So ,, question,, what do you think about a 12 hour dark, 24 hour light (36 hour day)

i think you bumped a three year old thread that probably shouldn't have been started to begin with.

but for experimentation's sake, try it if you have the time and resources, and make a thread explaining your experiment, and detail your findings of both your control groups and your experimental groups.

scientific method ftw, taught to most in elementary school (or at least it used to be)...
So ,, question,, what do you think about a 12 hour dark, 24 hour light (36 hour day)
This is a 3 year old thread. I bet those members aren't here anymore.

So ,, question,, what do you think about a 12 hour dark, 24 hour light (36 hour day)
It wouldn't work. They would veg.

You would have to do 24 light and 36 dark or something.

How about just grow them like normal.

@torontoke has a thread where he runs reduced hours of light and has good results.
Greenthumb uses a variation on the STS formula....He does not stress reverse plants for S1's.

I had to say that so folks don't get the wrong idea from this crappy thread, that got dug up from 3 years of hibernation.....
I think that post was in reference to rodelazation. Soma uses it. Leaving buds to over ripen. The plant knows it wasn't seeded and throws pollen.

Not all strains do it.
Usually takes about 15 mins for flowering plants to go to sleep , once asleep though they should never be exposed to more than star light for 12 hours+, moon light can drastically affect plants to, there's a reason why they call it a harvest moon, 12+ of sleep is needed to build up the hormones that cause flowering, the interruption of that causes stress, which leads to hermies and lower cannabinoid count. A one time fuck up isn't a big deal early in flower cause its still transitioning to flower till week 3-4

That's more like an actual 2 HOURS to "full" plant "sleep"! That 15 min claim, can be found by use of 730 nm band light supplementation.....the idea being that you can employ 2 extra hrs of lights on time. Thus you would increase yield and shorten the overall bloom period. The results I just gave - turn out to be not worth the cost for what you actually get back!

If you intend to come back and argue. I suggest you start reading about PAR, PR and pfr lighting effects on C3 plants....Before you do.......
Yes, out doors I've seen them go through midnight before shut down , and a few hours before lights come on/ sun rise they start getting Ready for the sun! Using a night vision camera I found after two grows cycles plants like to do a lot of growing during the last 5 hours of the night! Possibly majority in my opinion! But again that 12 hours of sleep is essential, I've had okay luck up to 11h45m of sleep with a bump in yield ,but it seems much past that slows down everything, at 11h30m it took my 11 week super silver 16.5 weeks to finish with a big hit to resin production. 13hours of sleep helps preserve more resin on a plant along with cutting a week or two off of your harvest time at the price of a 40+% yeild loss

15 mins indoor?

^^^^see my above post^^^^

Night vision isn't telling you the actual in the plant process's going on, and how long it actually takes to "plant sleep" through pfr exposure. Either indoors under artificial lighting or outdoors under natural lighting.....(and how come you actually say that you've seen them take till midnight. After saying it takes 15 min, anyway?)

The high intensity artificial pfr exposure does shut the plant down in about 10-15 min. Natural and indoor lighting we use, takes the 2 hrs to plant shut down...Bottom line....

The plant is doing so much at night - Things it can't do during the day too. Much of it's night work is an actual cellular peptide change to protect it's self from the intense light of the day. As the day goes on and the light gets really intense. The plant changes on the cellular peptide level to protect it's self from that intensity.....The point where the plant begins this change is called the light saturation point....Look up the Light saturation point in C3 plants on Google scholar.....Maybe something on regular google that's easier to understand....
It wouldn't work. They would veg.

You would have to do 24 light and 36 dark or something.

I've done it once. After they were solidly flowering I switched to 12/36 and they kept flowering. A lot went wrong on that grow, so I can't say if there is any benefit... Seems to make things mature slower, but I had pretty bad root rot going on too. Some strains might be more accepting of that light abuse than others, I was growing Sweet Tooth #3.
^^^^see my above post^^^^

Night vision isn't telling you the actual in the plant process's going on, and how long it actually takes to "plant sleep" through pfr exposure. Either indoors under artificial lighting or outdoors under natural lighting.....(and how come you actually say that you've seen them take till midnight. After saying it takes 15 min, anyway?)

The high intensity artificial pfr exposure does shut the plant down in about 10-15 min. Natural and indoor lighting we use, takes the 2 hrs to plant shut down...Bottom line....

The plant is doing so much at night - Things it can't do during the day too. Much of it's night work is an actual cellular peptide change to protect it's self from the intense light of the day. As the day goes on and the light gets really intense. The plant changes on the cellular peptide level to protect it's self from that intensity.....The point where the plant begins this change is called the light saturation point....Look up the Light saturation point in C3 plants on Google scholar.....Maybe something on regular google that's easier to understand....
Ay I'm a stoner, not a google junky or a scientist, I'm just sharing my experiences with different grow methods, and what I've just seen with my own eyes , out door and indoor are far to different to compare that's why I changed from 15mins cause who I originally intended the message for was worried about the light being on an extra hour early in flower, and he wanted to know if he fucked up and if he should change his schedule, and I'm sure you have noticed how plants especially during veg on a 18-6 start getting droopy right before the lights go off and I noticed it happens more in mid to late flower, that's my whole 15 min theory, most of my plants start getting droopy at around the 18 and 12 hour marks and crash hard when the lights turn off completely after about 15 mins , I don't know the science behind it and I appreciate people like you to explain things! No argument intended! Arguments give these forums bad names! I think it was about flowers not weed anyway hahaha so I knew nothing
Ay I'm a stoner, not a google junky or a scientist, I'm just sharing my experiences with different grow methods, and what I've just seen with my own eyes , out door and indoor are far to different to compare that's why I changed from 15mins cause who I originally intended the message for was worried about the light being on an extra hour early in flower, and he wanted to know if he fucked up and if he should change his schedule, and I'm sure you have noticed how plants especially during veg on a 18-6 start getting droopy right before the lights go off and I noticed it happens more in mid to late flower, that's my whole 15 min theory, most of my plants start getting droopy at around the 18 and 12 hour marks and crash hard when the lights turn off completely after about 15 mins , I don't know the science behind it and I appreciate people like you to explain things! No argument intended! Arguments give these forums bad names! I think it was about flowers not weed anyway hahaha so I knew nothing

That's the light saturation point being expressed - so you see it - basically.......I'll skip the paper level wording.....

Glad you like the info....
So. ...not as drastic of a light schedule but I have thought about whether you could benefit from a 14on/12off schedule or 16/12. Any thoughts?
Not to speed up flowering but "increase" it.
Again, any thoughts are appreciated.
I believe we would benefit with a rewording of your question. You are theorizing that the more light energy the plant gets, the more sugar it will make, and thus, bigger, fuller buds, not necessarily faster maturation.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this is a more precise way of asking your question.

I will answer this not from experience, nor extensive education, but from some education, and reading many forum posts.

During vegetative growth this theory holds true, more light, more sugar, more growth. But during flowering, the entire process is changed, the most important processes happen at night, when the lights are out. So light is still important for the plant to make the sugars it will use, but in all likelihood, it will have an abundance, and will benefit from longer periods of darkness in which to use the stored sugars to develop the flowers/buds.

I've seen many people reference a plants leaves functioning like a solar panel to explain the theory. Take this example further and think of the roots as the battery and the flowers as TV you want to power. You built this system to run your old Tube TV, but you have just traded it in for a small, efficient LED TV. The infrastructure is build for a big load, but it doesn't need it anymore.

This might also help explain the function of re-vegging a plant. You helped the plant build a great infrastructure to take in nutrients and light, but just hacked most of it away. Leaving a little behind to regrow, and it will grow faster and stronger in the end because it doesn't have to waste time rebuilding the infrastructure.

Similar to this thread, its ready to go back to sleep.
Usually takes about 15 mins for flowering plants to go to sleep , once asleep though they should never be exposed to more than star light for 12 hours+, moon light can drastically affect plants to, there's a reason why they call it a harvest moon, 12+ of sleep is needed to build up the hormones that cause flowering, the interruption of that causes stress, which leads to hermies and lower cannabinoid count. A one time fuck up isn't a big deal early in flower cause its still transitioning to flower till week 3-4

It's called a harvest moon because it's the closest full moon to autumn. When crops are harvested.