18 hr days

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
of course it works, nobody doubts it.

for flower you could even do 15/9 with some strains. or 36/12. as long as it is at least so many hours without interruption.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to the overall health of the plant and fast growth I've seen quite a few threads full of those who say 6hrs of light is not enough for the plant to have maximum growth potential (and it may just be the strain) but I've grown the clones of the same plant with the normal 24 hr days with exact same lighting, feeding schedule, medium, every detail as close to exact as I could get and using the 18hr days seems to be, so far, absolutely devouring the rest this plant is twice the size in a little over half the time I guess I should have put a little more detail in startin this but forgive me I had indeed indulged myself in some very sweet sticky icky at the time and I'm sure you understand the rest haha
And I'll be doin some research into these extreme numbers uve given may be another experiment down the line always enjoy tryin something new not sayin ur wrong at all but past year or so I've been tryin a lot of different things and to be honest I have no doubts in theory that would work but like u say it has to be specific strains now just have to find which ones


Well-Known Member
as uncle ben would say. Just keep it simple and grow your plants like you would tomatoes. Remember, pot is a weed and thats where folks screw it up is by overdoing things.


Well-Known Member
Never said she was amazing just said outgrew others grown exact same but with reg 24 hr days
An the link is in first post t the bottom
Not sure if uve missed my point in this or if smart ass is just natural to u but all I was tryin to do is show what I've came up with tryin out 18 hr days not tryin to prove anyone wrong or piss anyone off but if everyone stuck to the "proven method" then how would anyone ever know that it's the best method there is or that it couldn't be improved?
I see absolutely nothing wrong with experimenting if you can afford to (on the chance something goes horribly wrong) lose a plant or 2 for the sake of learning more alternate methods of growing these wonderful plants


Well-Known Member
in other words: it's the dark period that's most important.

edit: Actually, that's far too oversimplified, since several other factors are also "very important."


Well-Known Member
Yeah had some problems with n tox a weeks or so back and misidentified the problem thought it was ph related


Well-Known Member
Your plants look tired and wilty, whats going on there?
thanks for taking time to ask instead of barking out what I've done wrong or fucked up there's a lot of that around here I've been noticing

Don't get me wrong all advice and input is appreciated but I don't post here to be made to look crazy for trying new things a little outside the norm I like to go against conventional and try to find alternate methods to produce best product possible in my situation a lot of ppl just don't get it that just because it works doesn't mean something else can't work better
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Well-Known Member
Well, its hard to take criticism sometimes when your heart and soul is all into it.

Nailed that one dead on the head...I'm new to this guess it takes a little time to get use to actually gettin others opinions for once before this I was only 1 to ever see anything I've grown while growing


Well-Known Member
I know this is way off topic and wrong thread but can't for the life of me figure out how to like posts on mobile site any idea? Anyone? Like I said still tryin to get a feel for this place lol


Well-Known Member
Which brand of timer do you use? All of mine are set up for 24 hour days.
That's all I could find was a ge 24hr digital 7 day timer with 20 settings so what I have done is on the last day of week(Sunday for me) give 12 hr light 12 hr dark so it'll match up with the auto on time for monday
I'm lookin through papers tryin to find how I did the last day of week during veg can't remember right off

Just to be clear in veg I used 14/4 flower using 6/12


Well-Known Member
I think they might suffer with only 6 on in flower. suffer as in : not storing enough energy(light) to build buds during dark period.Your buds might not get as big.