18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP


5 Skunk , 5 Cheese, 3 Widow, 5 Deisel

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Small video also

Germinated in paper with 6.5ph'ed water 3 days then planted in small cups for 7 days,
moved into 5 Gallon soil and fed 6.5 ph'ed water 500ml each.

After a week, Fed Dyna Grow 1/4 what they say with 1/2 fish mix, Ph'ed 6.5 water 500ml each
2 weeks passed and plants are still very small, All crispy and yellowish with some of them sign of burn
my lights 1 Lamp 600W HPS 16 inch far and 2 Lamps 400W HPS 12 inch far

I thought light burn, so raised all lights to 50 inch and gave just water to all
Now week 3 and look at the pics and video, THEY ARE DYING MAN.. HELP ME OUT that's my first grow and i fucked up some somewhere.

18/6 light
Soil bought from a plant shop (no brand) I tested the soil with a soil ph meter and it showed PH 7.0
Mixed soil with 10% perlite

Humidity between 40 and 65 always

In and Out air circulation is perfect
fan always running.
At night heater makes room 68F and during day heater turns of and temp is 75F
Outside temp is 60F (its winter cold)

I don't know what to do more FRUSTRATED...
Am I over-watering or burns from light or soil has food and i fed or they need food.. holy crap I need help.



Well-Known Member
Slow down there, turbo. Doing the right things, just WAY too soon. Those could have stayed in the party cup for at least another week. And don't feed them anything yet, they can't take it.


Well-Known Member
Ya cooked them with nutes while the lights were cooking them from the outside.
Wait until at least 3 weeks before feeding, and next time let them get some roots and leaves established before putting in such a big pot.;-)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Get some CFLs. You can find 100 watt CFL's on the 'net for around 20 bucks each. Get a couple. That's all you should use for seedlings. As for feeding anything Dyna Gro to a seedling they were burned there too. Seedlings don't need much in terms of nutrients. Just give them water for a bit. You'll know when they are ready for more they start growing faster. Don't put them under the big lights under they are MUCH bigger. Somewhere around 6" to 1'.


I thought so, then I asked myself, why are they still showing new signs a week after stopping nutes and moving lamps higher , should I flush the nutes I guess bad Idea, they are small to survive it.
then back to what do I do now


Well-Known Member
Yeah just cool it with all those nutes let them recover and turn green again mine are a week old and look like this babies.jpg


Well-Known Member
I thought so, then I asked myself, why are they still showing new signs a week after stopping nutes and moving lamps higher , should I flush the nutes I guess bad Idea, they are small to survive it.
then back to what do I do now
Straight water and keep going. Don't overwater in your rush to flush.


Get some CFLs. You can find 100 watt CFL's on the 'net for around 20 bucks each. Get a couple. That's all you should use for seedlings. As for feeding anything Dyna Gro to a seedling they were burned there too. Seedlings don't need much in terms of nutrients. Just give them water for a bit. You'll know when they are ready for more they start growing faster. Don't put them under the big lights under they are MUCH bigger. Somewhere around 6" to 1'.
No way to go with CFLs now, look at the setup i did, how many cfl for 18 plants and how to put them above final pots, that's a big change. BUT if this is my problem then i will go with it,
but I don't think that's the case, temp at the top is always good and lights are so high now while still showing new signs


Active Member
Seedlings do not like HID lighting my friend. Its not just the temperatire its the intensity of light. We have given you all the information your need. Nute burn + heat streess= your plants. Go grab a lamp and hang it over your plants with CFL bulbs if you have to.


Seedlings do not like HID lighting my friend. Its not just the temperatire its the intensity of light. We have given you all the information your need. Nute burn + heat streess= your plants. Go grab a lamp and hang it over your plants with CFL bulbs if you have to.
I will test 8 plants under CFL few days, what about nute burn flush could help that ?


Active Member
Flush. Be sure to keep cfls closer than you would with the hid.
Let them be plants and do their plant thing until they ask you for help. They aren't machines to beef up like a truck or something like everyone seems to think. Be nice. They will show you what they need, literally.


Well-Known Member
Check out the larger Quantum Bad Boy fluoros. Familiarize yourself with the features. There are cheaper substitutes out there on hydro site uits and probably eBay.


Active Member
straight water in solo cups for 2 weeks..then light nutes after that..

i have mine under 2 cheap floros in solos for 2 weeks to let the roots fill the cup..then i transplant and put them under the 600w MH light and they explode


Well-Known Member
straight water in solo cups for 2 weeks..then light nutes after that..

i have mine under 2 cheap floros in solos for 2 weeks to let the roots fill the cup..then i transplant and put them under the 600w MH light and they explode
OK children, listen up. This will be on the test.


Flush. Be sure to keep cfls closer than you would with the hid.
Let them be plants and do their plant thing until they ask you for help. They aren't machines to beef up like a truck or something like everyone seems to think. Be nice. They will show you what they need, literally.
Will Those TINY SMALL Seedlings SURVIVE a flush to a 5 Gallon pot each ?


Well-Known Member
Flush. Be sure to keep cfls closer than you would with the hid.
Let them be plants and do their plant thing until they ask you for help. They aren't machines to beef up like a truck or something like everyone seems to think. Be nice. They will show you what they need, literally.
Don't know about a flush but straight water should do it. I agree with the rest of what you are saying. Good advice.


I replanted 4 girls into smaller pots, while taking the plant carefully i noticed the soil was so dry on top but in the middle was 70% wet, shaked soil and planted into smaller pots.
new soil ph is 7.0

Moved those 4 girls under CFL's.

Do I water them ?
I am new grower and really need help with my 18 girls.

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just give it a little bit of water so the top of the soil is keept moist, and you dont really need that many cfl ligts in that early stage. i used 2 23w for my 6 plants for 2weeks and they turned out great but i had them in 5x5cm pots.