18 to 24


Active Member
I have 4 plants. One was started a few weeks later and has not sexed yet. I am going out of town for 5 days and will be switching to 12/12 on three plants with preflower. I am going to remove the unsexed one and put it under a 24 hr flourescent till I get back. Then I will put it in grow room on 12/12 and watch daily. Will going from 18/6 for 4 weeks and then changing to 24/0 shock the plant and/or cause hermie?


Well-Known Member
18 . to 24 no veging plants are not picky like flowering. you will be fine ive gone from 18 to 24 no problem . once 24 to 18 . or 24 straight to flower. depending what light I was using for the time I used