19 days nd stil no sign of pre flower, can growin conditions affect how fast dey sho?


Well-Known Member
Temps are around 75 during light period and unfortunately drop to about 50 in dark..
Been on 12/12 for 2 weeks and 5 days now could my conditions affect how fast theyll show signs of sex?
I may jus be impatient. but jus needed to ask one of you guys..
Thanks, bunstinky


Well-Known Member
They are not mature enough to show sex or its not dark in there. Probably not old enough.


Well-Known Member
Any shock to the system delays growth. Topping a plant can take a week for it to recover and start growing again. 50F is pretty cold and will delay things too.
Sounds like you may have started with little or no vegging time. This also delays flowering. I have a plant at the moment that took over 5 weeks to show flowers when grown 12/12 from seed in pretty ideal conditions.

Be patient.


Well-Known Member
50f is pretty cold for weed! I would probly put slow growth down to this BUT you probly should be a bit more patient. Wait four weeks then start to ask questions again!


Well-Known Member
2 of the plants were in veg for about 2 months and i started vegging when they were about 12 inches but they were bushy..
the rest were late seedlings nd were only in veg for about 3 weeks and were like 4-5 inches when started flowering.
The plants dont even look bad or in any shock from the cold.. i thought theyd got used to it. Ill wait another couple of weeks nd il get back.


Well-Known Member
The plants 2 months old should be showing sex and the young ones are too young to show sex.

Make sure the scedule is 12x12 with no light leaks.


Active Member
yea it can, i grew in my loft and it was too cold so the plants took absolutly ages to grow, when i moved them they just went nuts!


Active Member
How many watts you using? I had white widow showing sex in 12 days under 400w hps 12/12, will take longer under less powerful light.