19% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Romney or Obama are the two best people running

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Of course, this doesn't mean that 81% think neither is the best choice, just that 81% think one or the other are not the best choice. I think the democrats should have dumped Obama and run Hillary. Is it too late?

ps I'm frankly surprised that even 19% would say, "yes, both of them are exactly who I wanted to see run on that ticket." I would have expected that to be close to zero.


New Member
of course, this doesn't mean that 81% think neither is the best choice, just that 81% think one or the other are not the best choice. I think the democrats should have dumped obama and run hillary. Is it too late?

Ps i'm frankly surprised that even 19% would say, "yes, both of them are exactly who i wanted to see run on that ticket." i would have expected that to be close to zero.
de-nile is it just a river?