19 Purple Erkle Clones + 1000W


Active Member
Got some more pictures for everyone. Today we decided to spread out the plants even more, as they keep getting bushier and bushier. The plants seem to smell a bit stronger now, perhaps due to the molasses? Anyhow, here's pictures of what we did.

We are having problems with 1 plant however. You can see in this picture that the leaf color is somewhat yellow. We put it directly below the light since it was the smallest one, and it is growing but the leaves are not as green as the others. Anyone know the cause of this problem? It seems to be healthy other than the yellowed leaves, and the fact that it is behind all the others.



Active Member
Got another update. We decided to supercrop one of our plants yesterday as a little experiment, it now has about 4 or 5 nodes growing upwards.

As for the rest of the plants, it seems as if the nutrients have hit them as I've noticed a huge difference from even yesterday in the overall bushiness and size of the plant. Take a look.

We're still having problems with the small/yellowish plant. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Yesterday we started using Bio Vega along with Cannazym and Rhizatonic. We decided against molasses since we are having problems with gnats. What are the best ways to get rid of them?

Other than that they look good though. They are about 14 inches tall, and we have about a week and a half to go until we start flowering. Can't wait!



Well-Known Member
ns job wannna see some erkle . this las grow of blue moonshine i done got real purple , ppl freak on purple weed like crazy here,lol. subsscribed.bongsmilie


Active Member
Are you sure thats enough light,for flower?
A 1000W light covers up to a 6 foot x 6 foot area easily, so we should be fine. We're going to switch to HPS for flowering when the time comes. At every watering we also rotate/move the plants so they all get equal amounts of light. Seems to have worked thus far, you see how big they are after about a month.


Well-Known Member
Looks wonerful my friend!

I organic grow also and one thing that works well for me for pests is; " Put a clove of raw garlic in each container and spray them with pure,raw coconut oil mix about one tsp in a full 24oz spray bottle. "

Had a few little pests try to show up early on and using the technique above, have not had any problems.

Maybe will work for you?

Great Job and Be Blessed, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
nice grow +rep i see the supercropping went well i suggest doing it to more plants then giveing it a couple of days to recover you will get so many tops you wont know what to do. It also will allow your plants to intake more nutrients by damaging and rehealing the vessles in the plant. you should also look into pruneing those beautiful bushy momma's or tieing them down. :) cant wait till harvest


Active Member
This is our newst plant, onemorechild420. We just cloned her tonight.

We'll be vegging her for just 2 weeks and growing in a Big Gulp cup to finish with all the others. Here's a few more pics of the garden.



Well-Known Member
how big are those pots? how big is your room? i wanna see if your going to yield more than my sea of green would. i doubt it but i wanna see!!!


Active Member
The pots are 3 gallon pots each, and the room is about 8' x 10'. We're hoping to yield about 3 ounces per plant. How much did your set- up yield per plant?


Well-Known Member
interesting that one light can produce such good growth in such a large room! you could easily have 2 1000w lights in that room


Active Member
Yeah the light has been more than sufficent it seems like. A 1000W is supposed to cover up to 8' by 8' though, so it's not that surprising. Since using Bio Vega, the yellowing of the leaves has gone away, and the plants have taken off. They grew almost 3 inches in 4 days or so, they are about 16 inches tall now. Flowering in t- minus 4 days!


New Member
Nice to see Serious Smoker on here becuz I was gonna recommend him to you. His grow was similar but he had like what 100 plants? They look really good man, when are you gonna flower?


Well-Known Member
wow dude, just caught up with your grow, nice fucking work! i can't wait to see the Erkle flowering. I'm also an organic farmer, so big ups for that as well. one tip with the molasses, i've found it's most effective when used later on in flowering and even in the end it's ok to flush with, it will make the buds soooo sweet and delicious! I've got another week max on my grow, check it out in my sig. Damn i want some erkle clones, i gotta get to cali!


Active Member
We are starting flowering this Sunday. We are going to add another 6 inch fan pushing air out as well since we are hooking up a carbon filter to the exhaust. We are also redoing the window and using weatherstripping to better seal it off. We have had heat issues before, and want to make sure our venitlation is adequate so we don't get heat stress.