"19th" birthday!


Well-Known Member
I was just lol'ing because I think he is turning 18 and I find him trying to argue that point amusing. I don't know what the mods will do nor do I care.


Active Member
why can't you guys lay off the kid?? that's the mods job, lets smoke a bowl and forget... mmmk?


Well-Known Member
Yes you are, it's ignorant to start an arguement over something that neither of us truly know the outcome. And thank you for agreeing with me, makes things easier.


Well-Known Member
bring baby wipes,,my buddy brought em campin,,like roughin it,,lemme tell ya,,after a crap in the woods,,yur gonna wanna clean that ;-))


Well-Known Member
Yes you are, it's ignorant to start an arguement over something that neither of us truly know the outcome. And thank you for agreeing with me, makes things easier.
If you weren't fucking stupid...you'd realize i haven't been arguing with you. Please, grow up.

I said "ok"...doesn't that seem like i was done?
hhapppyy biirtthhdaay!=)
my 19th was this summer too
it was a fun one. i made a whole week out of it. lots of booze
no milestone or nething cuz ive had a fake for a while now.
&& for the the argument..lets just all get along=)=)


Well-Known Member
i spent my 19th in iraq wish i could have smoked a pound then, wish i could afford a pound then. happy b-day man you got 21 to drink and at 25 your car insurance goes down.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, people have common sense. You think the mods won't realize what you did? You probly have until the next time one logs on and see's this thread and goes looking for the other one of posted your real age in....

Their right next to each other but people arn't dumb enough to think you hit it multiple times in the post as well as in the title of your thread...
do you have to be a jackass dude? The kids turning 19... let'em be man.