1g per watt?

My mind is not good today lol but i will add to this thread one of my first grows in new room consisted of brand new gear umbrella type reflectors 2000 watts magnetic ballasts
Strain was Afghanistan kush started with 76 clones, Few died and was @ 72 they vegged for 5 weeks were 5 feet tall and nice.... Sog and packed in there
Now i am not going to break down actual 12 hrs costs per light but at 18 hrs i saw lights costing me 44.00 a month per 1000 watt so with exhaust fan and other do dats its safe to add another 44 to be on the safe side so 132 for one month operating add another 132 to make it 8 weeks and take half of 132 = 66 so total power bill for grow was 330 bucks 10 weeks 10 week grow
My final yield was 3518.5 dry grams and to this day have never beat it or matched it but i am telling the truth even friends were like holy shit best i get today with 3000 watts is 7 3/4 pounds and i just do not understand lol pisses me off that is was a fluke
does anyone know how do I get rid of the powdery mildew off my plant 3 weeks 12/12
I lol'd