1lung 1000w multi strain


Well-Known Member
lol, Mine says the same for you and I have been rep'n the piss out of people
just trying to give you rep on your grow. ;)



New Member
it must take a fair few reps before we can rep again i remember trying to rep on your last update. but can't wait , are you feeding bloom nute's yet ? if so how did they take the transition? anything you did or just start them on a low dose ?:weed:


Well-Known Member
No no bloom yet, just the 1/4 feed of veg.
My next feed will be a bloom, I think I will
up the does to 1/2 and see how they take it.

See it's kind of weird, but now that I think of it it could
be the low ph for the one watering.

They don't seem to be as green as they should and seems like they
may lack a bit of N, but then the burnt tips suggest a bit of nute burn
so Im sure it had to be the Ph that sent it out of whack.

I guess I will see soon, lol
They should be due for a drink in a couple of days.


New Member
yeah may be from where the burn has damaged a couple of feeder root's ? so long as their's no death spot's its 100% perfect in my book , them things are so annoying , to just watch them make one dot then slowly kill that whole leaf. but i think it's probably ph ino that's where my problems came from , i couldn't understand why at first lol was so confusing .


Well-Known Member
It really can be, Im glad I switched to the promix. Having nothing
in the medium really makes it easy to diagnose. Limited factors keep
it simple for me.

lol, Im still learning.


New Member
i can't wait to dial in one strain be able to go from clone to fully mature with no problems , other than the odd lock out etc , i hate not being able to diagnose my problem that's when its shitty , , and yeah i like the idea of not having much in the medium too im going to run coco next round i think , i just didn't want to this time because iv planted seed's in coco before (precharged etc) and they take soooo long to do anything lol ill show you what i mean later , ill get a pic i have of a bumble gummer in coco its freaking tiny and its just about on it's second set of true leaves and its like 5 days above soil i think i planted it at the same time as the blue og , i followed all the steps in order to "charge" the cup of coco its in and the growth is soo shitty ,


Well-Known Member
I gave all but the Sb a half strength shot of bloom nutes today.
Fingers crossed that it doesn't pooch them.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a couple of them are getting burnt by the nutes,
I don't think it is an N def. Possibly it is? I don't know for sure.

They had a half shot of bloom nutes, after looking at the bottles again
I realized that the earlier feeding was only 1/5 strength rather than 1/4.

This last feeding is actually 5x stronger than the last one so Im sure it is
burn but I will flush and try to get them back on track again.

Here are some pics.


Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
they will start to yellow naturally to a degree anytime in their life. It's part of being a plant. could be nitrogen deff but you seem to be feeding them enough. ive experienced the same thing the plant is focusing on flowering/Sexing/Maturing and less on keeping chlorophyll in the leaves. You're doing fine Man


Well-Known Member
The buds are forming nicely.
There is some yellowing on the Herijuana Jack
but I think it should level out in a couple of days. I just gave it
straight water for the first time since I switched over to the bloom nutes.

All in all, it's not too bad I suppose. It could always be worse.

Day 36 12/12 fs

Afghan Haze.jpgWhite Shark (2).jpgWhite Shark.jpgSour Blueberry (3).jpgSour Blueberry (2).jpgSour Blueberry.jpgHerijuana Jack (3).jpgHerijuana Jack (2).jpgHerijuana Jack.jpgAfghan Haze (3).jpgAfghan Haze (2).jpgWhite Shark (3).jpg


Well-Known Member
Started to look like the yum yum now bud.Did you ever decide to flush or you just gonna see how they are with a straight watering?Nice and tight,this is going to be a good show and I have great seats.Thanks for the update.


Well-Known Member
No, I decided not to flush. Just gave them a good watering. The jack is the last one to
need water so I think thats why she has some yellow to her. They are starting to fill out
a bit now, the next couple of weeks to a month should be a alright. I hope.


Well-Known Member

They all got whacked. I didnt take pics because the leaves were in some rough
shape IMO.

I don't own a scale but I have smoked allot, so I estimate the yield at 4-5 oz's dry
off the 4 plants. Not bad for myself I suppose, I can live with it.

The smoke is good, I like the taste of the blueberry, the White Shark really
makes me paranoid though it is fairly strong.

The Afghan would be our least favorite, the taste is hard to describe and the high
just doesn't do it for me.

Of all of them, the Herijuana Jack is probably my favorite all around smoke. The taste
is nice and the high is fairly good.

I have a new grow started with a white widow (topped) , pineapple express, sour blueberry, 1 short stuff auto (reg unknown seed)
and a re veg for clones of the Herijuana Jack, sour blueberry and the white shark.

No extra transplants, no medium changes and dyna-gro nutes from the start so Im expecting
this grow to be better than the last.