I've stuck in a picture of the system that i'm gonna be using, I'm running 3 of them with a 600w HPS for each one, I'm putting in Euphoria by Dutch Passion which has a 7 week flowering period. From what i'm reading here i reckon i'll be going with 12 plants per system, I've got about 50 in my veg room just which are a 8 days old from seed and sitting at about 4 inch..
As for vegging for longer period of time with less plants won't work for this grow, i've decided to try my hand at a perpetual SOG hydro grow.
I think i'll be flowering them at about 12inch no matter how old they are, i'm not certain how much of a good idea that is so if you guys have any ideas just shout..
This is the first time i've grown a SOG so any sog growers with advice i'd be happy to hear from you all.
And thanks guys for your advice so far.