1o x 16 room help me design!


Well-Known Member
I have a 11 x 16 room i wish to upgrade.

I have been running a Vsog stadium and wasent super stoked with my yield.

This round my goal is at least 1o lbs

I am either going to do 2 X vertical collisieums with 7 X 6oo w 16o site

or do a flat sog grow 2oo+ site under 8 x 6oos

I have been running soil abut am open to run to waste,topfeed,and aeroponics etc.
{which would be easyier/cheaper?/more effective?}

I havent used rockwool slabs but will,i am looking for a setup that will be somwhat automated watering wise.

If anyone has any ideas please share them,as i will be building this this week

I already have 6 x 1k lights but will probably sell to get more 6oos

My budget is somwhat limited,but have lots of gear already so really only need table material,lights etc

I have never built tables but believe that to be the most affordable way,could be wrong,thanks for any help!
Cheers Hbr
Go to youtube and look up Mr Green. It's a guy who just posted a 9 part video on designing a grow room using automated watering that sounds like it might be right up your alley. It's real in depth and really good too.
He uses rock wool. I prefer soil though but just because I don't have to worry about watering as much since soil retains water.
I like that vid,but am looking for somthing a bit larger.
Any hydro guys out there care to throw in there .o2?
im looking for an easy to use system capable of holding 2oo plants
How many 600w's do you have now? hang all of your 1kw's spaced evenly in the room. Fill in with 600's. buy or DIY multi-flow might be able to get 90+ sites. 176sq ft, are you going to use all of it? 6 1kw's an 4-600's will give you plenty light and coverage. The multi-flow will simplify your life. You'll get great yields. Should be able to pull 15 out of there with no problem.
I am in the process of building a 8 X 12 SOG flower/grow room myself. I found that the most efficient use of my space was to construct 3 X 8 Flood tables. I actually have (1) 4 X 3 table with 48 sites for net pots to take rooted clones for 2-3 weeks and then move them to the biggger tables which hold 70 net pots each.
with these aeroponic methods, you can scrog, sog or cut the holes spaced out farther for larger plants...personally i used to go soil, but nothing in the world can perform like aeroponics, and just might be the easiest to build and understand