
Metabolizes into the real thing at about one third the potency
no the 1plsd that stays whole is 38 percent the potency of lsd the rest is broken down into regular lucy so its like a double whammy the 1p has activity and the rest is lsd in the end up plus if u google it theres a study showing this done in human blood serum
I discovered it's existence on May 2106. Since then, I've had like 10 trips , each 7 to 15 days between them.
Dosed between 50 to 125ug's. Great substance. A bit less mindfuck than LSD has, and less visuals.
Still very spiritual, and connected to universe kind of feelings. Clean shit.

Im close to my fifties , and had lots of experience with LSD and Shrooms.
And I find 1p indeed is a nice material to have nice , remarkable time.
I just dont push it hard, and it treats me very nice. Recommended.
1p is the absolute tits!

The cleanest clearest high of my absolute entire life. No spirituality or much instorspection involved just creativity and sheer hedonistic pleasure.

Been dosing 200 micrograms, 100 first another 100 hour later and the come up is absolutely ridiculous, it takes about 6 hours to kick in propperly ridiculous cleeeeeeeeeean and clear open eye visuals, quite pixelated, everything literaly melting into one beautiful colour and falling in on you lights change colour with music rythm patterns and such absolutely ridiiiiculous shit. Once established you are in a pure state of mental clarity and well being, almost that fuzzy warmth of happiness one gets with good mdma. Its extremely therapeutic imo too due to the fact it never takes you to a bad place like old lucy can. Imo with lucy one needs to keep the trip in a good direction and train n how to do so, with 1p theres no wayt it can go bad ithink, unless you have srious anxiety issues and didnt make yourself emotionally ready for the trip. 1p is to tear shit up! party your fucking nuts off for hoooooours and then get into a steve jobs type of high. it lasts an insaaaane amount of time too, easily 18 to 24 h. Yes the visuals carry on for that long too and the wear off is clean clean cleeeeeeeeean! Progressive and smooth, sleep like a baby and wake up ready for another 200 micrograms next day haha just joking but really it feels so clean u could take it everyday.

For any of those who decide to trip on 1p heres a song that will make your trip 10 times better as well as make you trip a bit more at time when it is wearing off, just play it loud enough that you can swim in the bass. Enjoy
