1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)


Well-Known Member
Yea, i am saving up for some big bud lol...Woot!! Thanks for checking in Lacy!!!

Hey Bwinn.... Yea, i can already see the difference from the Sensi both AN but this Fox Farm is meant for this plant!! Sexing quicker and everything!!More and more hairs everyday!!! Smoke!!

Hiyas BigMike!!!I am watering some right now!!! I will show you the difference from the BM and Bubb... They poped quicker and everything 5 of 5, other 2 had to replace 1 of each seed!! Pics on the way!!

Whats up Kron, WELCOME!!! Sure i will, yes Blueberry is sensitive, i grew mine hydroponically and and put it in this huge 50gal/30gal filled rez, was never able to keep up with the nutes, it would have broke the bank so it was always waaaaaay under fed, it turned the othe 2 plant i was going in there lame, they were like 5 ft tall with unformed buds going everywere with 1 finger leaves (gave me about 10g of hash with 1lb 6 oz of it dryed). But the Blueberry, didnt burn or anything it LOVED it!! Increase your ppms slowly give it half of whatever the directions call for, then slowly increase, also i would add half of my nutes in the morning and the other half 8 hours later, to give it time to slowly process the nutes....Hope to see a journal on ya soon, thanks for stopping by!!

IBLAZE!!! Nice to hear form ya!!! Make sure i get a link to your journal... And you know we need some of that Bud Porn!! What you growing and what did oyu harvest?

This just in.... Yesterday, 3 more girls were found!!.. Do you believe this, i planted so many cause i heard bags seed produces alot of male but so far i am 7 of 18, with 2 more to sex, and 1 is DEFINATELY a like a girl, so 8 girls out of 18... thats amazing!! I only used the best seeds i collected over 1 yr, i stored them in the freezer...
Woot i am happy 7 GIRLS!!!!
OK finally did it Puff. I grew 1 BB like you and 6 WW. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/52357-first-harvest-08-a.html


Well-Known Member
Just some updates about my plants bored and got insomnia.

All my girls from 1-7, i named them but the lights JUST turned off and i cant remember all thier names. The other 2 still havent sexed, but most of the girls have little white bud sites coming in everywhere!! I have one (the one i thought was hermie, but is showing no other signs, so i could be wrong) that everytime i go more than 2 days without watering it droops BADLY almost looks dead, but as soon as it is water it fluffs back up, its one of the ones with flower sites all over it. So i got to get in the habbit of watering every 2 days...

Pic 8 is of baby Blue Mystic
pic 9 baby Bubblicious
pic 10 baby Papaya




Well-Known Member
Ahh i can see the names.
1. Anistasha 2ft 8in
2. Jessica 2ft 1in
3. Lilly 2ft 1/2in
4. Delila 1ft 7in The delecate one that droops, everything but the main stem.(hermie?)
5. Marie 1ft 5 & 1/2in
6. Lisa 1ft 10 & 1/2in
7. Breanna 1ft 9in


Well-Known Member
A bit stronger as the days go by, I have like 10 pounds of baking soda in the room spread everywhere becuase the GF is not a huge fan of the smell, it actually has made a difference, but when I step near the closet its aroma makes my mouth water.


Well-Known Member
lol i like how you actully named all your babies makes me laugh:hump:. well im still waiting for my babies im startin the flush tommrow with clearex, then 7 days till chop chop. I also got some babies in the mix i cant waittttttt to start this next one. well im jus boreddd waiting to go apply for more jobs, i cant wait to see updates.



Well-Known Member
Lol, thanks, saved the best names for the hybrids... What is Clearex? You have experience using it b4? You know what the next havest is going to be? How many plant you harvesting this time around... Nevermind, i will just check out ur journal....the funner way to find out...lol!!

lol i like how you actully named all your babies makes me laugh:hump:. well im still waiting for my babies im startin the flush tommrow with clearex, then 7 days till chop chop. I also got some babies in the mix i cant waittttttt to start this next one. well im jus boreddd waiting to go apply for more jobs, i cant wait to see updates.
