1rst time cloning need guidance

i just cut these little guys off today they were doing good for the first five or so hours then they started to get drooping i have them under a small veg light, like 35-40 watt and my humidity is at 60% and stays around 70-80 *F i aslo used clonex a rooting gel. 0204132034.jpg wondering if i should keep them or toss them all of them came from healthy mothers. trippin how droopy they are
The one on top right is Space Bom Knarly stativa and the rest are Cottoncandy NOT Cottoncandy kush


Well-Known Member
Nope your fine, get the humidity above 80% for the first 2 days, keep them misted almost constantly but not soaked, after a few days they should perk back up, its a normal thing for them to wilt, they are just shocked.


Sector 5 Moderator
As long as you have the humidity up high in there they should recover. Sometimes they go through a "shock".


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm not editing my above post. Take a look at the time I and Silicity posted. Could we have said the same thing any better? ...or maybe it's just because I'm really baked. :)


Well-Known Member
Do you have a dome for that tray? A dome and light misting should be enough to keep them from wilting.
There is also a product out there that can be sprayed on the foliage which will keep the plants from releasing its moisture. I have never used it, but have heard a few people that use that product rather than a humidity dome.

I like that you went with the tray and dome over the aero cloner... those things are more trouble than they are worth... imo.
yeah and the vents on top are shut and i put like a little bit of water on the bottom i have two trays one without holes one with
Day 3 still no roots i gave m a tug just once cause i dont want to mess with them a whole lot but how long should it be till i see roots


Well-Known Member
I just took 3 cuttings from my mama, put em in 3 in rockwool cubes on the 27th (first time cloning also). I have a gigantic bottle of clonex gel but I went with this rooting powder I picked up at home depot for like 5 bucks cause the gel scares me. I put em on a heat mat (heat mat was placed between 2 baby blankets so the tray didnt have direct contact) put the dome on with vents closed and put em under a splitter holding 2 23w cfls for 24/0. I pretty much didnt fuck with them but twice a day, just to lift the dome off for a while to get some new air in there and me being nosey! Anyway my fucking curiosity got to me around day 6-7, (the plants NEVER drooped the whole time with the dome closed for a week) so i took the paper off the rockwool cube and cut that fucker down the middle so I could "peek" inside. No fucking roots, just rooting powder.

Today I got home from work (today is day 10-11) and went up to let some air in the dome and I decided to check that cube again cause they have been wilting the past 2 days (did not water the cube since I took the cuts until tonight!) when I started pulling it back, I SAW WHITE BONERS EVERYWHERE!

So I guess now that you know my run down as a first timer too, I will leave you with this......be patient and dont fuck with them, they will root. It might take a while but it will happen if the conditions are appropriate. Good luck Bro!

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
They are fine. Keep humidity dome on 10 days so they root, spray with water and/or proper nutes, I used FF big bloom, keep medium damp or wet. Mine were drooped in their dirt looking dead the first 3-4 days. Here they are as of last week about 21 days later under only T5s.



Well-Known Member
Day 3 still no roots i gave m a tug
Bro i cant believe your 'giving it a tug' on day 3 , stop tugging ,didnt your mum advise you this?

I dont get any droop/flop with my clones and the reason is a healthy mother plant with thick stems ( take the upper shoots not the lower), no domes only an old 3 draw cabinet turned into a clone box with 2 heat mats and an 18w cfl, i use cloning powder and sterilized scissors. If you have droop at any stage with clones something has gone wrong and success rate drops.


Well-Known Member
You just have to be patient. It's a scientific fact that roots won't grow if you stare at them or wait for them to show themselves. One day you'll wake up and check them and there it'll be. Good luck


Well-Known Member
If you have droop at any stage with clones something has gone wrong and success rate drops.
I agree. If a cut drooped on me at any point i would just throw it out right then. Your medium and climate will effect how you need to get it done.
Oasis cubes are great. I've tried many plugs, cubes, loose media, etc. Oasis cubes are the easiest. After cutting, I just water once around the 6th day, then transplant to a small pot of coco on the 10th day under low lighting, then put it in more intense lighting 4 days later (veg).
2 weeks, 100% success every time for several years.

IMO, the average grower is putting a little too much light on their cuttings. They turn yellow and are weaker than if they were under weaker lighting. I like a dome, with a paper towel laying over it, and a single 2 ft T5 bulb sitting on top of the paper towel. Or, a 4 ft over two domes, in line. A weak, low intensity light is preferred by clones. A strip bulb with paper towel cover is great as the light spreads evenly but is still low intensity.

Like others said... thick stemmed tops, bonzai method. Easily get 8-12 clones per small mother plant.. if you need more keep multiple mothers. The fewer cuts per small plant, the better your clones will be. So, 3 mothers producing 8 cuts each is better than 2 mothers producing 12 each... when space is available. Keeping these bonzai mothers under 2 feet tall is easy.