1Sst grow and I want to use CFL's


Well-Known Member
ok im growing in my closet which is 4 feet wide 7 feet talk and 2 feet deep i am going to grow 1 plant what kind of CFL's should i use for veg and flowering. Keep in mind i want the cheapest set up possible. Thanks for any help.


Active Member
you want to use daylight temps like 5-7000k for veg and warm/soft white for flowering (temps like 2-4000k). you can use the warm colors for veg, they just arent as effective, but you wont have to buy both types... id buy atleast 2 42watt cfl's to be used through the whole grow


Well-Known Member
so i would use two 42W equ. two 6500K for veg and two 2700K for flowering. do i really need to have ventilation is a regular fan ok like pointing at the plant and any other things i should know


Active Member
yes you need some ventilation, and you should point it at the plants so the stems get sturdy to support the buds. Yes, the more wattage the better the yeild or i guess you could say the tighter and more mature the buds get. You want the 42 watt bulbs which are 150 watt incandescent equivalent, but the point being lights are the most important variable in growing.


Well-Known Member
you could get a VERY sick yield in that closet if you went GUNG HO. One plant should be cake for you...he told you right the only thing i would add is keep the lights VERY VERY close.


Well-Known Member
how close are we talking like 1 inch, i read before like 2 to 4 inches. and the setup i was thinking is 4 100W CFL that the equ so the actual watt is 26 each bulbi think they something like 1950 lumens each and they are 6500K so that will be for vegg and then im gonna use 4 150W CFL for flowering they are lie 2700 Lumens each and they are 2700K. does this sound good


Active Member
yeah those lights' temps and stuff sounds good. you definately wanna be focusing on gettin the bulk of your lights in the flowerin spectrum because thats where it matters most. Alpha is right, you want them very close like 1 or so inches, but i backed mine off an inch or two cause i dont have the best ventilation in my closet setup and the tips of my leaves were getting burnt cause it was gettin too hot