1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.


My 1st attempt at growing was going fine for the 1st week,then in the 2nd i noticed some little brownish bits on my leaves.Reading up on here i've over watered it and switched it's pot last night after 2 weeks growing in a small pot with just natural compost.Could someone confirm this has been caused by over watering or is it something more serious.



Oh and i forgot to mention it's been under as 50W LED light about 14 inches above it,the LED lights don't give off much heat but are they too close and producing too much light for my baby at 2 weeks old?


The leaf to the left is curling upwards which isn't easy to tell from the pic,could someone in the know just please tell me if it's been caused by over watering it?


Active Member
at 2 weeks old my plants were over 8 inches tall. more light would help. is this a gro light? or a random led u came across?


Looks like nuteburn, guy..

Are you feeding it nutrients or is it in nutrient rich soil?

Organic soil with pearlite added,i'm giving it a few more weeks before i add any Nutrients.

Checked the PH level and it is fine,i just want to know if over watering it for the 1st 2 weeks may have caused this.


Active Member
Perhaps the Organic Soil is too rich for your seedling? Overwatering would generally cause the plant to look droopy and sad - That looks like either nuteburn or possibly lack of nutes. Possibly the soil has too little nutrients in it?


Perhaps the Organic Soil is too rich for your seedling? Overwatering would generally cause the plant to look droopy and sad - That looks like either nuteburn or possibly lack of nutes. Possibly the soil has too little nutrients in it?
Having just checked the bag of organic compost i've been using it does have added nutrients which you have been told me would be the case,however living in the UK i can't find the sunshine mix,foxfarm etc.. you all prefer to use.Is there anything i could do to get rid of some of the nutes or even better is there a compost they sell i the UK that would have no added nutrients?Searched everywhere online for a nutrient free compost and have yet to find one anywhere.


Also would it be worthwhile transferring it to another pot if i can find a store which sells soil with no added nutrients as the burn doesn't seem to be getting any worse and my plant is now nearly 3 weeks old?