1st AeroGarden Grow

Well, that stem problem seems to be worse than I thought. One of my plants fell over and broke itself. I don't know what the problem is. Now all of them are starting to develop it. I don't have any fans blowing on them anymore. I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see what happens. I think after this grow I'm gonna wait til I get my house and I have more room to do another. Then I can get the HPS setup. Any ideas why this would be happening to my stems. Very disappointing.
Well, that stem problem seems to be worse than I thought. One of my plants fell over and broke itself. I don't know what the problem is. Now all of them are starting to develop it. I don't have any fans blowing on them anymore. I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see what happens. I think after this grow I'm gonna wait til I get my house and I have more room to do another. Then I can get the HPS setup. Any ideas why this would be happening to my stems. Very disappointing.
yea man it sux bad.it really did happem to me,clone the one that fell and just clone the others that fall thats really the onlythimg you can do!.cause thats whats going to happen,so sorry my man!i just ordered a SH system without lights from SH.i dont have the time to build one
The Ag is not for marijuana,its for herbs and veggies! but we can make it work!The bubbleponics is alot better.But the AG is a RAPID ROOTER!im gonna use it for germing/clones from now on.im scared of getting that stem rot again!
yea man it sux bad.it really did happem to me,clone the one that fell and just clone the others that fall thats really the onlythimg you can do!.cause thats whats going to happen,so sorry my man!i just ordered a SH system without lights from SH.i dont have the time to build one
The Ag is not for marijuana,its for herbs and veggies! but we can make it work!The bubbleponics is alot better.But the AG is a RAPID ROOTER!im gonna use it for germing/clones from now on.im scared of getting that stem rot again!
Yeah, it REALLY SUCKS. I have no experience in this, so it makes it that much more frustrating cause I have no idea how to remedy things. I wish I had more money to throw at it now, but I gotta save. I'm not really worried about taking clones right now. I just wish it would have worked out this go round. Oh well, I'm really disappointed and kind of pissed off, but I guess I gotta deal with it. I still have no idea why I'm getting stem rot. Maybe next time...
trial and error my friend.u learn from ur mistakes,i havnt had that prob. since i switched to the BP.very simple to use!
Yeah, I think I'm gonna do the exact same shit your doin, but maybe get two BP setups and two HID setups so I can have a continuous grow, and then use the AG for clones. But that will be a while from now, lots of savin to do for this house man, lol.
My guess is those labels are made for smaller stalks (herbs,veggies) as stated above ,so there too small and because mj has a delicate stalf untill its darker..cut the holes in the labels larger and turn down the fan a bit as for the broken one slice the bottom on a 45 and stick her into clone medium
Could I use the AG sponges to clone, or will they not hold it good enough?

The sponges are IDEAL for cloning! I would suggest cloning gel.I put a clone in the AG sponge with no rooting harmone and it still rooted,but at the time,we had katrina(hurricanes) and a couple more after that and it hit HARD down here and no electricity foe 2 weeks.I bought a generator now,so that prob is fixed,man u think u got bad liuck,
Mine fell over just like yours,all of them,i cloned em,they rooted and then the hurricanes!No light ,no growth=DEATH!LOL
The sponges are IDEAL for cloning! I would suggest cloning gel.I put a clone in the AG sponge with no rooting harmone and it still rooted,but at the time,we had katrina(hurricanes) and a couple more after that and it hit HARD down here and no electricity foe 2 weeks.I bought a generator now,so that prob is fixed,man u think u got bad liuck,
Mine fell over just like yours,all of them,i cloned em,they rooted and then the hurricanes!No light ,no growth=DEATH!LOL
A buddy of mine has some cloning gel that he's gonna let me have, so I'm gonna try and clone em this weekend. They're not getting any better so I had better hurry, lol.
yea man they just gonna get worse!
Well, my little ones are at the beginning stages still, and I think what I have is fungus because I have the same symptoms as what I've read so far. So I'm gonna go to Lowes tomorrow and pick up some fungicide as a last ditch effort, and also take this piece of shit fan back, lol. Doesn't do a damn thing.

P.S. At least the good thing is I will have a lot more knowledge on my next grow. ;-)
Well, my little ones are at the beginning stages still, and I think what I have is fungus because I have the same symptoms as what I've read so far. So I'm gonna go to Lowes tomorrow and pick up some fungicide as a last ditch effort, and also take this piece of shit fan back, lol. Doesn't do a damn thing.

P.S. At least the good thing is I will have a lot more knowledge on my next grow. ;-)

i would seriously not put thr fugicide cause it might kill em,,just wait till they bout to fall and then clone.