Recovering from quite the vacation from Vegas =D Back home for rest and relaxation.. funny how I usually come back to work to rest.. haha.
This thread came out of the bleu and took some time to read it all.
I absolutely love the Walnut Grove/River side location. Much better than Bethel Island with the number of peeps.. I think BI would have been a guaranteed visit from the popo with so many neighbors so close.
My 2 cents... Having recently come from Humboldt.. open and free 420 festivals can get HUGE (anyone ever attend the 'open' 4/20 Redwood Park party?). I liked the idea of limiting the party to something manageable. Baby steps to feel out where we are heading, before we get over our heads. Sure this is a great crowd.. but damn, all it takes is some outside advertising that there is a 420 party on 4/20 out on the Delta and bam! The Crawdad festival out there gets slammed! This is April.. everyone will be looking to get out and about!

Shit hits the fan.. and they will be looking for who sponsered the event.. But self 'policing' does work. Anyone ever been to a Rainbow Gathering? Everyone helps out. No one is in charge. Thats how it works with 20,000 peeps in one spot. Not sayin we are going to have problems.. but its smart to think just in case. thats also why no when ever gets nailed when Leo comes to visit.. no one is in charge. That said, take it for wutever its worth, I am game for wutever you guys wanna do! Whhooot!
Weather pending, I will most definately be bringing the Pirate Ship. A 32' Party Cruiser Pontoon! I will stay sober most of the time and take all the organic nature folks out to groove on the elements.. and then the meat eating fisherpeeps out on the water for the big kill! Matter of fact.. I might even be needing a crew for the ride over.. gotta see where the closest port o call is

but not far to just launch in saktown. Hell I was going to steam it to BI! Any prizes for the kewlest ride to the party?????
Heya TMB... we gotta get your graphics on Tee Shirts! I'm in for two or three! Damn rite.
If you guys wanna step this up a notch for a few hours.. I know of a local band that might play for a decent price... not hard rock,not thrash they play a mixture and wow the crowd.
JJ, I have a paypal account 12 years in good standing.. and in Sac everyday so we can meet up if ya wanna take donations that way folks wanna use credit cards etc to make payments. They do take 3% so you might want to add that if anyone uses PP. I do like the idea to pay if you can.. some folks simply can not afford it.. one of the best stories I heard out at CFW was one of us paid for one of us that didnt have enough money to get in and didnt figure it out till at the gate