1st Attempt at Growing.

Hello everyone!

Well, Finally jumped in to grow my first indoor soil set up.

I found these seeds in a Bag, no clue the strain, only thing I knew was correct was the seed, dark with black lines.

I planted the seeds in MG potting soil 6month control. I have 2 plants growing in a 8" Diameter pot, one of them for 2 weeks the other for 1 week. I will have to replant in a few weeks.

Water cycle; I have been watering about 1 32oz cup every couple days. The cup sits out for a day or 2 before I poor the water in, so that way all chemicals are out of the water when I add the water.

Light source; I am using 4 100watt daylight 6500k full spectrum CFL's. Also Light Cucle is 24/0 for the last 14 days. When should I change to 18/6? 2 weeks? I have not really found a supportive decision on one or the other. Mainly on how you would like for your plant to turn out.

I have been reading about nutes and everything else. I never knew how complex it was to grow a "weed."

I will upload some pictures in a bit, Trying to get them onto my computer.

Thanks for looking!

Pictures taken with camera phone, sorry if they are not the best!

I took these from my photobucket account. PLEASE if this is not a good way to upload photos, tell me how! Thank you!

Thing 1

Thing 2

The set up



bud bootlegger
sounds like your doing everything pretty good so far.. just keep reading up on growing ..maybe check out some cfl grow journal's on here and see what problems others have had and how they solved them so you will know what your in for.. knowledge is key when it comes to growing.
good luck with the rest of the grow, and have fun..
Alright quick update.

Today is week 3 for thing one and is week 2 for thing two.

Light cycle is still 24/0, may switch to 18/6 next week. watering 32oz every 2 days thanks to my new fancy water meter($3.00). I work at a hardware store so it was uber cheap. I also picked up a digital thermometer, thank heavens for these 2 purchases. I found out that it was 99.6*, that was not kosh by me. So I added a fan to keep it cool at 80*.

I am thinking about adding nutes here in 2 weeks after I separate them. Have any recommendations?

enough mumbo jumbo, here are a few pics.

Thanks for looking!

edit: pardon the ghetto "box" Have to modify once I replant.
Week # 4 (one day early)

Went and picked up some Fox Farm.

Before the Transplant

Root System

After transplant

My timer Tonight light cycle switches to 18/6

The new "box"
Here we are at I believe week 6 lol.

Light cycle is 18/6 watering once a week(ish).

I am not much for words, so here is my plants.

This was taken last night :)

Question time!

Its hard to tell in the pics, but dark green leafs mean over-watered? and light green leafs means under-watered, correct?

Also, Can I add stems from old bags into the soil? will old stems from other buds help with some form of compost?


Active Member
Glad to see you broke down and got a timer lol. Thing 1 is comming along great! I'm excited for my next grow!


Well-Known Member
I went 24/7 for 3 weeks, and been 18/6 the last 3 weeks. Probably waited too long on switching. Where can I pick up Mylar from? local grow shop?
Yea hydro shop, possibly gardening shop, or just regular grow shop. Other option order offline


I Heard From A Couple Growers I Know That The Tin Foil "Hot Spot" Thing Is Just A Theory, Same With The Laser Reflecting thing... My Cousin Made His Own Grow Box and Has Been Doin it For 2 Years (Continuously) Uses Tin Foil, Not Near Perfectly Flat, And Has Never Had A Problem as Far As Burning Plants and What Not.... Containing Heat More I Can See, But That Just Means You Have to Cycle Air Through Better And Maintain a Lower temp. I Agree Though Its a Hassle, I am Not Having Fun Putting it in my grow Box... Next Grow I'm Springin' For The Mylar, I'm Just Kinda Broke Right Now So I'm Making Due With Aluminum Foil, I Suggest You Do Too Way Worth It.

Anyways, Your Grow Is Looking Pretty Good I'll Keep Checking Back, I Too Am Workin On My First Grow Starting Tonight or Tomorrow Morning.
Thank you for all of the positive feedback!

I am thinking of putting the plants in vegitative state soon, I Have a Landloard moving back this summer... Exciting.. lol

I though about cloning, but not with my first plant.