1st Attempt at growing!


Well-Known Member
i just got one...and its gonna get too hot in my closet...but i would once they get a bit bigger....
and it normal for the leaves to just limp?

cause i think i damaged one of my plants roots....
and now my first set of leaves are yellow, and limp...hope it gets stronger as the week goes on
my plant(s) has gosta worst... the leaves are even more limp...not dry tho..but looks like it dryin...i been watering it..alot since it looks like it uses alot of its engery
if i were u id

stop watering it or ull over water it.

start thinking about nutes and getting more ventilation


Well-Known Member
i spent so much time on this one..being the biggest...i cant see it die like this...

i have nutes in one of my spray bottles which i did spray on the base of the stems...
and theres an air vent above it...but it isnt on it directly...


Well-Known Member
^^ it works much better when U mix it with water and pour it directly over the soil. make sure the nutes are 1/4 strength of what it says on the box.

and each time U add a light U need to rework and upgrade ur exhaust and ventilation bcuz it brings more heat with it.


Well-Known Member
If your spraying your plants with nutrients your most likely gonna burn it more. How hot is it in the closet?


Well-Known Member
its all around...80F in 2 corners...and like 85-90F in the open space near the door...


Well-Known Member
so i sprouted my seeds, in the dark..got my soil and planted them...put them inside by my empty room in my crib. Built a little reflective backing for it. Got a thermometer next to it..
They grew an inch like by the 2nd day by the window...one of them is doing reallly good but theres 2 in a blue clear glasses that isnt that great...i tihnk its too hot or somthing cause their limp...but when i checked on them today they were standin tall but after when i took these pictures...well check them out

too much wata


Well-Known Member
First the whole thing with plants is it takes patientsyou have to chill and give you plants time to recover, not sure if they will this time but you need to stop the watering! they are being drowned and the leafs have too much water, they soil must feel sumwhat dry before you water again.It seems that with the nutes you also fried the plants, take a step back and examine the plants and give them a chance to recover


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they definetly don't need any more water. Let them dry out before watering again. Also your temps are probably too high. You don't want it getting any hotter than 85 in there. What kind of nutes are you feeding them? And how much?


Well-Known Member
rule of thumb for watering is stick your finger in the soil if its dry it needs water if you feel moisture you dont need to water......... good luck with your plants I was having major issues in the beginning and was worried shitless but it all worked out........ good luck i will be watching your thread


Well-Known Member
Just get a water meter. They're like 5 bucks. Sticks in about 6 inches and tells you how wet on a scale 1-10.


Well-Known Member
oh its dry...and before i added soil on the top..so the light is harder to get to the bottom...


Well-Known Member
poon i would say get a water meter at the store because I am not sure your getting good answers here some say its overwater some say under watered and that still leave you with the same problems I dont know what they are because I am not there and cant give you a good answer ..... they deffenity look stressed first I would open up your area a little to get it a little lower than 87 though its not a terrible temp it seems as though it could use some more air circling the area. Ventalation is a better word for it. But to me I would say wait till its fully dry like dry as a bone, take your pointer finger stick it in the soil if there is absolutly no moisture that you can feel then its time to water and if there is moisture than dont water wait a day or two and check again i know its annoying not to get any good answers but I do believe that you need to find some top dogs in here and post on their thread to check yours out...... good luck i will be watching


Well-Known Member
its alright...im gettin a new bag of soil tmr and started 3 new lowryders...probby gonna dump the others in the gounrd in my backyard