1st big grow would love input


Active Member
hows your day and gro goin???

Its going pretty good. Gro is doing alright i guess. Im trying to figure out what color spectrum my light bulbs are in... i forgot to look on the box (dumb ass I know) and then i threw the damn box away.... im going back to walyfart tomorrow to look at the boxes then heading to Lowes to pick up some 46w cfl 2700k for flowering. :mrgreen:

How about ur self Phenom?


Well-Known Member
Good good so far. Ever since i put the lights in they seem a lot happier. There leafs are all spread out almost as if they are saying "FINALLY MORE LIGHT YAY!!! :mrgreen:"

Yeah my plants leafs open up too when I move the T5s above 20"
I like to wave hello when entering garden.

As for when to start flowering. Wait until she shows she is good and mature. Heigth may become an issue. Like maybe she only gets 14" and then gets mature, or to tall in fliowering. But either way it's always best to wait until she matures. When she goes 12\12 and is not mature, well you are wasting valuable veg time. If she is mature, she will LOVE it and set bud fast.


Well-Known Member
Hey LadyGizmo,

Nice job! In my opinion, you should flower when your plant tells you it's ready to flower (IF you have the head room, remembering that it will grow 2-3 times it's current size in flowering).

Your plant will let you know it's ready when you start getting alternating nodes and/or pre-flowers.

Good luck!!!
If I would of read this first I could of saved time.:lol:


Active Member
Yeah my plants leafs open up too when I move the T5s above 20"
I like to wave hello when entering garden.

As for when to start flowering. Wait until she shows she is good and mature. Heigth may become an issue. Like maybe she only gets 14" and then gets mature, or to tall in fliowering. But either way it's always best to wait until she matures. When she goes 12\12 and is not mature, well you are wasting valuable veg time. If she is mature, she will LOVE it and set bud fast.
Hey LadyGizmo,

Nice job! In my opinion, you should flower when your plant tells you it's ready to flower (IF you have the head room, remembering that it will grow 2-3 times it's current size in flowering).

Your plant will let you know it's ready when you start getting alternating nodes and/or pre-flowers.

Good luck!!!

so how will i know when they are mature?:sad:


Well-Known Member
The branches from the (top first) will not be straight across. They will be asymetrical, also at the nodes you will start to see pistils. (females) I would hold out until you see asymetrical brancheing then give 2 weeks more. Also grab a jar of Fox Farm open sesame. You start useing it 2 weeks before 12/12 for early buds. Every watering/feeding. I just grabed some today. I am going to clone again tomorrow, then in 2 weeks start flowering. I am hopeing that 3/5 make it to 18" by then.
I am rushed for time being I want to harvest before My Birthday (Sept).


Well-Known Member
golden ganja how do u get into growing medical bud? if u read this write dude. i would love to get into it
I left behind a caregiving company (elderly/disabled) that I owned and operated with several employee's. We (wife and kids) settled into Eugene, and really loved the freedom of 420 and the diversity of people and beliefs.
So my first private client turns out to be a guy with MS and is a Quad with little voice.
I meet him and his former caregiver shows me around and shows me that K has a MMJ card and can legaly grow his own. She shows me a room 10x10 with 20 sickly plants. They looked like Charlie Brown christmas trees.
Then she takes me out to a garage that was turned into a flower room. Had 10 1000 hps lights, and 5 sickly plants in some form of flowering. They where popcorn buds and taste like ass.
So I told him I would accept the job, but I had no idea how to grow, but I would grab a book and figure it out. ( Jorge Cervantes, Medical Bible).
So after the first month I almost killed the whole 20 in veg, 5 lived and the flower room was kicking out 1 oz plants. (YUCK). so then 2 months go by and I am seeing major improvement in the veg room, I wanted to flower them so bad but I waited and watched them grow, I learned that by not touching them (leafs) they will do what they need.
So long story short, 2 of the 5 that I managed not to kill as I rearanged and re did every detail that was the "growing way" when I got there, I managed to harvest 7.5 and 5 oz of 2 of the first 5 I ever veged.
Every since I learned to grow (4 months, one book and now well over 60 harvest) I always get no less than 4-5 oz per plant.
So I found that there was so many people who did not have a green thumb and mine just comes natural, and they need help. It did not take long before word got out that I could walk into a sick or dieing Garden and within 2-3 weeks have a complete turn around in their garden.
Right now I am helping 2 people, one guy is a Jamacian and he cracks me up, first time I walked in his garden he asked "can u save then mon" , well I did and he is super thrilled. He even took me out into the woods and showed me 15 clones he has started and asked me to help him out where needed.
The other Garden is a Old School grower. There is nothing wrong with old school as long as you kept up with new school. But he does not and after he saw my garden he is ready to have me change up his operation, (after he gets back from Amsterdam).
Being in the MMJ community is a wonderful feeling, and me being a caregiver by trade and having a green thumb is a double bonus.
I had a client with glacoma and it was 21 when I met him, after 30 days of my meds it went down (good) to 16.
And for the guy with MS (k) he would have 7-9 siezures a day, that was when he was smoking his medicine that he was telling others how to grow (before me). After 4 months he would only seize one time (morning) and after he started his meds (first thing in am till Bed) he would not even seize. I realized then and there that Ganja grown right was a cure all.
I was stoned every minute of the 8-12 hrs I was there.
Hope that was not too long people. I shortened it.


Active Member
The branches from the (top first) will not be straight across. They will be asymetrical, also at the nodes you will start to see pistils. (females) I would hold out until you see asymetrical brancheing then give 2 weeks more. Also grab a jar of Fox Farm open sesame. You start useing it 2 weeks before 12/12 for early buds. Every watering/feeding. I just grabed some today. I am going to clone again tomorrow, then in 2 weeks start flowering. I am hopeing that 3/5 make it to 18" by then.
I am rushed for time being I want to harvest before My Birthday (Sept).
Ok sounds easy enough to tell. Im gunna start cloning soon. My plants were already a foot tall but i transplanted them up to the lil round leafs and that just about a half of foot off each of them.


dude thats awesome. i live in ny and my dream for the past few years has been to move to eugene. and from what you just told me it makes me wanna go even more. u grow legally?
or just sell to people who rele need this shit?

Chelseys Man

Active Member
my grow space in almost the same size. mine is a little bigger and i have 6 cfls in my space. i only grow 3 plants though. i have 2 42w (150w) and 4 26w (100w) screw in bulbs and my plants seem to be growing very healthy in its veg stage. not YET to start flowering.


Well-Known Member
Ok sounds easy enough to tell. Im gunna start cloning soon. My plants were already a foot tall but i transplanted them up to the lil round leafs and that just about a half of foot off each of them.
If you wait until they are mature to clone, then wait 1-2 weeks before flowering (stress reduced) then you will have some kick asss mayure, hormone thriving clones that you can flower in as little as 3 weeks if you wanted. I am going to clone 2 of my Very Best today, one is not mature but timing is right for the rest so it has to be done.


Well-Known Member
dude thats awesome. i live in ny and my dream for the past few years has been to move to eugene. and from what you just told me it makes me wanna go even more. u grow legally?
or just sell to people who rele need this shit?
Eugene Craigslist always has someone new OMMP patient that needs a grower, or "will trade work ? 420 friendly". On top of that 2 months ago are mayor declared a whole week to Medical Marijauna. Not to mention its legal for the woman to go topless, and they do! We get alot of naked (panties on) bicycle riders, and car washes. :o


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ace. Are these cfls the same type as the 23watt ones? Like will they fit in the same type of socket??
they will fit in a normal light socket and are of the same spectrum as the 23's, however they are 3 times the size and output. a must-have if you are growing solely with cfl's


Well-Known Member
Wow topless, the wife would go crazy and make us move there if she read that!

It's great that there is a place in America that is semi free and people can go about being happy people, or atleast try.


Well-Known Member
There are two dedicated woman that ride daily, Topless. I don't mind Boobs. And my children, well I want them to understand that everyone has a right in America to do as they feel in a safe manner.


Well-Known Member
Well being I dont have kids I didn't think about it that way.....
But there should be places for everything.

Happy 4th yall!


Well-Known Member
Hmm I'm interested too, that's pretty low cost...

Let me know if you get one and how it does. If I do I will post