1st CFL grow 8ladies'


Active Member
novice at growing started Nov. 8 beauties
*2ft. tall clones are supersilverhazexdiesel
*9in. 6clones are sourdieselxpurp
black gold soil, mg peat moss.
light- 20/4
water every 2 or 3 days.
help me out with tips am going to transplant...
will get an hps 600w soon hopefully.:weed:



Active Member
about 12....
i need to get daylight cfls????
i neeed to hit up home depot..
getting a cfl 150w from hydro store would be good?
or just save up for an 600w hps? but the cooling how would i do that??
grow is in attic


I reckon you could get away with using a 400 w hps with a reflective hood balast & easy rollers, some Mylar or similar reflective material and a couple of medium sized oscillating fans.


Active Member
transplanted to 3 gal pots yesterday.
did three plants control kellog potting soil
other three master nursery potting soil.
and in all six mixed some firmulch soil conditioner. watered them today with bioorganic root enhance and fish emulsion with some superthrive.
light is 20/4
water every less than 5 days....
help me with tips
i have yet to check out more hydro stores for ferts and nutes...
home depot will have them?:wall:



Well-Known Member
Home Depot won't have anything except the common stuff like fish emulsion, MG, Peters etc. Less your 1 lucky MF'r. I would grab some el cheepo nutes man, some peters veg liquid. super cheap and with the cash you save on nutes it will put you 1 step closer to a big light. There are tons of great deals out there on super cheap 1k lites (some just as cheap as a 400-600w hps).

Keep in mind when they get big and are sucking those 3 gal pots dry every 24hrs its gonna take a chunk out of your wallet if you don't make your own tea's or just figure out a working way to use cheap nutes :p

Plant's look good though, pics are smoky from the cfl's spec (or a big ass hit :p) but looks nice man. Can't wait to see when you get those bad boys into flower. there gonna be some monsters :)

a question about this plant

that thing only got a leaf makeup of 1 blad per?


Active Member
thanks to you man the first serious reply...that is what this site is for to help fellow growers to maintain the best yields. so that we can all get HI to the sky...u know?:hump:
yes they look like little trees good tough stems i did that pinching method to them earlier ago.... and at times tied down some stems....
so alot of water consumption????
better off using the hose to fill up my gallon oceanspray with water...
rightnow using the kitchen sink...

what about that plant????


Active Member
1 blade per stem???
yes i guess not enough light the other sets are blooming slowly??

i always push down the stems and leafs down so thatlight penetrates the middle. on a couple plants i see sum lil buds hairs already?


Well-Known Member
what strain is the 1 bladed leaf plant? Def not light issue, mutation or strain? if its a mutant take a clone and see if the mutation stays. if it does she could be a great producer. single bladed from start to finish, think of the light penetration!

Ya my bubblegum drinks 1gal of water a day easy.

whats your overall space up there? (not just your grow area).
If you go HPS you will probably need to vent the area (unless you have a large enough area that the heat is dispersed and dispensed all by itself :p).

The hairs that your seeing are probably just the calyx's that form at each node once the plant has reached sexual maturity.
Flowering won't start to occur until a week or so after you change the lights to 12/12. (never grown those strains, there not auto's right? Would assume not since you got clones :p )

Depending on the height of the attic you may want to consider either starting to flower soon, cropping, lst or scrog. Within the first 2 weeks your plant will grow anywhere from 6-12" taller. Products like Bushmaster can be used to lessen and sometimes kill this stretch all together. 6-12" doesn't sound bad but a plant thats say 6" tall ends at around 2' tall. (clones 2" usually end around 1- 1 1/2' if grown as a cola).

Anyways i went off on a stoned moment there.

Your stuff is lookin great though man, atleast from what i can see :) ( I can tell you don't overly play with them, people who touch there plants too much always have these words in there thread "My stem snapped or why is my plant 1inch tall at 9 months HELP." not that messin with your plant is bad just give it its space :p lol)

If you got any Q's ask away and if i can answer I will.

what CFL's you got? (watt's & spectrum)

(this is my bubblegum taken today)


Active Member
thanks man good ass info...as for the spectrums i dont know... they seem on the yellowside???
more than 40w..the biggest cfls are 40w
yes all clones


Well-Known Member
That one bladed plant looks like a RE-VEG to me... but I could be wrong... def. got WAY STRESSED....

And I would go for the 600 over the 400 anyday... I use 4 of them and I love them....:razz:

I'll be following from here on out...:clap::razz:


Active Member
thanks guys,,
wel yes im going to save up for a 600hps.
need to buy ferts but am using bioorganic fishemul... and havethe bigbudbloom?
transplanted less than a week ago. and feed them rootenhance


Well-Known Member
thanks man good ass info...as for the spectrums i dont know... they seem on the yellowside???
more than 40w..the biggest cfls are 40w
yes all clones
on the side of the bulb (on the plastic part) you should see like 6300k or 5500k etc. you want 5500k -6300k for veg with cfl (look on the box at the store, might be hard to find but youll see the spectrum on the side :) ) If they give off a yellow look they are 2300k's i think (the cfl's people use to flower with). But that is all good :) some people veg better under the 2300's than 5500+. I personally like 5500k's. 4 32 watters take care of my mothers decent enough.

That one bladed plant looks like a RE-VEG to me... but I could be wrong... def. got WAY STRESSED....

And I would go for the 600 over the 400 anyday... I use 4 of them and I love them....:razz:

I'll be following from here on out...:clap::razz:
No shit right :) when you think of the amount of usable light output gained with the 600's over the 400's, 400's are pretty much a waste of cash. I use a 400 right now for supplemental lighting since my other ballast took a crap :/ /cry lol


Active Member
i cant post new updated pics..
telling me to write to the admin
they are uploaded from browse desktop


Active Member
have now switched to 18/6...hopefully i see them grow taller... lst is such a good idea.
need nutes....what to feed like everyday home-based thing egg whites to sit in water feed?


Well-Known Member
I ordered a 3 pack of fox farm nutes off the internet for about 55 bucks. One liter of each. Here's a link to a feeding chart also.


Tell us a little about your grow box. And how are your temps? Looks like a heck of a lot of wattage. How much water do you give them? You could be drowning them if you give them too much water at a time, and you said you water every few days.

It's been a few weeks since you last posted. How are they doing now?


Active Member
well now havent watered that much....
leaves are having some holes, getting dry, and spider mites.... now hatched?
dam need help

and now have one that went completely dead all leaves brown, i stripped it and hopefully it will re-veg