1st CFL Grow....here we go


This forum moves fast and my thread was buried quickly.

Anyone know how quickly you can tell if they're indica or sativa?

This forum moves fast and my thread was buried quickly.

Anyone know how quickly you can tell if they're indica or sativa?

There are tons of x-breeds, but true type differences are as follows> Course the highs are different as well.

The Differences of Cannabis Indica and Sativa plants.
Fat Leaves and Short Bush = INDICA
Thin Leaves and Tall Bush = SATIVA
Sativas are just about the opposite of Indicas. They are tall, thin plants, with much narrower leaves and grow a lighter green in color. They grow very quickly and can reach heights of 20 feet in a single season. They originally come from Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia. Once flowering has begun, they can take anywhere from 10 to 16 weeks to fully mature. Flavors range from earthy to sweet and fruity. Sativa's higher THC than CBD equals cerebral, soaring type of high, more energetic which can stimulate brain activity and may produce hallucinations.
Sativa plants are taller, take longer to mature, have less chlorophyll and more accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight). As Sativa strains have less chlorophyll than Indica they take longer to grow, mature, and require more light.
Sativa typically takes longer to germinate and flower also, and grows more gangly then Indica breeds.
Yield is usually lower than Indica, but is very potent. Thai Sativa grows taller and has a longer flowering period, so they are better suited for outdoors.
Indicas originally come from the hash producing countries of the world like Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet. They are short dense plants, with broad leaves and often grow a darker green. After flowering starts they will be mature in 6 to 8 weeks.
The buds will be thick and dense, with flavors and aromas ranging from pungent skunk to sweet and fruity. The smoke from an Indica is generally a body type stone, relaxing and laid back. Indica's higher CBD than THC equals a much heavier, sleepy type of high. Indica plants have a heavy, stony high that is relaxing and can help different medical problems.
Indica yield is usually higher than Sativa, and shorter growing season. Better for indoor growing, because they don't get as tall.
Indica plants are short, bushy, mature early, have more chlorophyll and less accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight). As Indica strains have more chlorophyll than sativa they grow and mature faster.
Combining different indicas, different sativas or a combination thereof creates hybrids. The resulting hybrid strains will grow, mature and smoke in relationship to the indica/sativa percentages they end up containing.
I have two plants that look like the plant on the left below. I have three that look like the one on the right.

Would y'all say the one on the left is more sativa and the one on the right is more indica? ...or is it too early to tell? They were all started at the same time

i guess it could be too early.

but with my very limited understanding.

i'd say left was mainly sativa and right was more indica.

INDICA will be a bush, with much bigger broader leaves, bushier, and stinks worst. Grows slower, many more limbs or branches. Average 3 adn half feet tall.
Sativa wil be long skinny narrow leaves. It will be more lanky, much taller, like a stalk of corn. Average 8 to 12 feet tall outdoors.

Sativa is from this side of the world, and Indica comes from the otehr side of the world.
Plants are getting near 4" now.

I plant on repotting them to something bigger this afternoon and possibly trying LST on a few.

I plan on letting them go for another two weeks or so and then start flowering. Figured they've grown 4" in two weeks..... maybe 4" more inches will put them at 8", then flowering, they should double....hopefully.
What color lights do you have for veg? Looks like the 2700k. Im sure you knbow already since youve read alot about it but 6500k is much much better for veg, altho your plants look very nice. Also whats wrong with your b-f? Id kill to have a girl that wants a whole grow room.

Check out my grow journal. Just started flower, its on its 3rd day. Its only about 4 weeks old max.
The COMMON 42 WATT CFLs found at Lowes are Warm white, or 2700K for Flowering, they are the Red Spectrum. Mostly for BLOOMING or FLOWERING.
Kelvin is a measure of temperature, as in 6500K (HIGH Kevin) 5100K(Medium) or 2700K (LOW Kevin) (this is the emitter temperature, not the actual temperature of the bulb itself), and it refers to the color of the bulb; 6500K being a blue light spectrum, and the 2700K being a red spectrum.
5100 is a blend of both. Plants like a predominately blue spectrum during their vegetative growth (VEG) and like red spectrum light during flowering (BLOOM). Together the 6500K and 2700K provide a dual, or complete spectrum, suitable for all plants during all phases of growth.

You need a High kevin bulb for Vegging. a low kevin bulb for FLOWERING.

To the eye, you'll see a creamy colored bulb for warm white and a bright white colored bulb, called cool white, for VEGGing. It is almost a blueish white.
Hey just went through your grow. From what I can see its to early to tell if there Sativa or Indica yet. However if you have not done so as mentioned get the lights to be 1-2 inches from the canopy. Also u may want to increase the amount of bulbs u have. The more the better and with CFL bulbs TRUST me there can never be too much. Also what type of ventelation do they have? I vegged mine for 2.5 months before flowering and if u look at my journal you will see how big they got, I too had a CFL grow. I did not nute until they where a month old. When there young they just need lots of air, water and light!

Ill keep an eye out on ur grow. If u have any questions feel free to ask ill try to help out as much as I can.
Yeah, I know I have the wrong lights. I need daylight and I have soft white. I'm a dumbass and quit my job without having something else in the works, and as long as I'm unemployed, I can't go out and get more. I have to work with what I have. I've moved them closer to almost within 1.5-2" away.

lol...what's wrong with my bf? Nothing....he's just not a smoker and thinks I'm a little crazy for taking on this task. Not to mention he's not crazy about me possibly venturing into illegal things in a house he lives in.

First plant just hit 5". I've started LST on one, just to see what happens. It was the healthiest looking plant and it was against everything my gut told me, but I bent him/her over. The next day he/she was back towards the light, so I bent her over a little further up the stem. Repotted two to bigger pots. Got sick (unrelated) and couldn't finish. Now I'm on the couch w/ a bug. Fun.

Will try to post pictures later tonight.
alrighty, picture time.

First....the plant #2, in the white tub, is the one I'm trying the LST on. For some reason, plant #3, in a period of about 3 hours, fell over. It still looks healthy, so I turned it away from the light to see if it would lift itself up. I was looking at it earlier, trying to see if I want to try LST on it, but I didn't bend it. I'm not sure what happened there. But....here are the babies.

I've been tracking their growth in Excel so I could create the following line chart as well.


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Well....went and checked plant #3 again and he's/she's standing upright again. Phew. Only took two hours for her/him to stand himself/herself up again.

That was odd.
Plant 3 is back to normal, I'm not sure what happened there. Plant 2, the LST, is recovering from his/her bend. One of the first fan leaves is facing down after the bend. Should I be worried?

The plants were a bit wilted from lack of water. I had over watered them so I let them dry out.

Plant 1 is really outgrowing all the others. He/she just hit 6". The shortest, plant 5, is only 4". It could be that I repotted #1 into something bigger. As soon as I get rid of this bug and can get up and do stuff without hurling I'll repot 3, 4 & 5.

The LST plant is growing crazy as well. Even though he/she's bent over, he/she's still 5 1/8" tall. I sure hope that one turns out to be female.

New pictures of an upright #3 and recent pictures of #2 after he/she turned back up towards the light are attached.


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all the babies.

Pray that I get the job I just interviewed for so I can afford some better lights and can ditch the ghetto household lamp getup. My BF wants his bedside lamp back. :)
I'm going to be putting them into flower in about 10 days. They've been on a 24/0 schedule. Do I need to slowly lower to 12/12, via 18/6 for a few days, or can I go straight to 12/12?
I repotted plant 5 to a bigger pot today. He/she kinda got hung around 4-4 1/4 inches and wasn't growing as much as the rest. ....probably because he/she was in the smallest pot.

That's been fixed. :)

Also found a very pleasant surprise in plant 2's pot this morning. A seedling popped up out of nowhere. I'm reusing some soil from two pots I used for seeds that never germinated. Here we are, three weeks later and it popped up. I'll give it a day or two to grow then I'll transplant it to its own pot. The pot it's in is the plant I'm attempting LST on. If I dig it out of the soil will it stress the plant that's already in the pot?

Current temp is 85 degrees, humidity around 40%. I need more humidity, right? How do I raise humidity?

Also, the question above still stands....I want to start flowering in about 10-14 days. I'm on a 24/0 cycle. Do I need to slowly lower the light hours before popping to 12/12? Will it stress the plants to go from 24/0 to 12/12?


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straight to 12/12 no messing just make the change also you really want at least 12 inches in growth first or your yield will be poor and if you wanna convince your boy friend this is a good career plan youll wanna veg to about 16-18 inches your plant will almost double in size during flowering this process is about 6-9 weeks long depending on your lights
oh and about the little en take it now so its roots dont get to tangled with the other as for the humidity try a large clear lid from a seedling tray popped over the top (the green house effect) give em a little spray and leave next time you check on em youll see condensation on the inside a good indication of high humidity