1st coco attempt - how is she looking? (pics)


Well-Known Member
when you use neem you should mix 5ml per litre of water with perfume free dish liquid..............shake well before and during use.fine spray stems, pots, under and over leaves and soil...keep out of high temps such as hps lights or it will suffocate the plant..i do mine at lights off.............you cant over water with coco and you should feed at least every other day and more when needed......never use plain water and watch out for lack of mag cause coco holds it...........


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice... I am starting from scratch

Should i saturate the coco 1st before planting my 1st seedling?
I'd say over-watered. Wait until the soil is completely or the plant starts to wilt before watering. Make sure there are enough drainage holes at the bottom too. Perlite or sand in your soil mix can help with drainage problems.


Well-Known Member
When i start this new seed in coco am i ok to gradually up the nutes in veg from 300ppm to about 1000ppm obv feeding water in between feedings?


Well-Known Member
I water every day with with phd water at 5.8 with 20% to 40% run off to waste.Never with straight water.I use rain water and bring the ph up with well water that has lots of cal and mg .I only flush with 1/4 strength nutes just before I flip too flower.If you water with nutes evry day with a good run off there is no salt built up to warrant a flush.I think your plants look healthy and you might have to dial back your nutes a bit.From what I have learned coco doesn't really wick water all that well .
Dragnit is pretty much spot on. Make sure you have runoff. Always use nutes. Water when half of water weight is gone. Don't let the coco dry out too much. It is really hard to overwater a plant of that age in coco.
You will probably have to add a little cal-mag at this age. coco retains calmag so I use it until they are in flower for a couple weeks then stop. I add it again 2 weeks from the cut.
BTW it looks pretty good man. Is that a light burn on the leaves?:peace:
The drooping is not a big deal. I noticed that mine are apt to droop during the first couple weeks of flower, but only after lights out. They just have to rest sometimes I think.
Also, coco will wick very well. It wicks all the way to the top of a 12" pot. During flowering I water from the bottom between flushes because I use autopots. It seems to make them send their roots deeper.

EDIT: Holy shit there was about 20 posts since I started replying. Guess I'm way behind now.
You'll be fine man, Del's here. KNOWS HIS SHIT!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for swinging by munkee....

I have scrapped her as i want perfection and the neem and the heat seemed to burn her

I am only going for one plant per 600w light - so i want her to be HUGE and give her the best start etc...

Im now doing Nirvana Ice instead, she looks so small in that big pot :(


Well-Known Member
Wow Delboy, did you and Rodney work hard on that one? Thats some tidy looking bud next to the volcano - i can only hope mine turns out as good

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Is azamax more plant friendly?...
neem is more plant friendly, use Einstine oil and cold pressed 100% neem oil, if yo spray ona regular cycle once a week you will have good organic and safe protection azmax is very strong too

also if yo pick up a product called drip clean it will eliminate ant possibilities of nutrient lock out form salt biuld up and then you can water everyday and not worry about lock out, i run my PPM at 650 for veg and 1100 for flower if she can take it, and if a lower nute PPM is required i jsut add water tilli see positive changed but drip clean will save your plants

heres my last plant to finish, in coco w/ canna coco nutrietn line amended with canna most additives


Well-Known Member
scary avatar samwell... Yeah the grow micro bloom is a 3 part base nutrient and the sensi cal is essentially calmag to prevent the problems associated with coco locking out calcium and magnesium

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
my canna coco has never had problems with cal/mag difficiencys, might wanna switch more ppms for other stuff
scary avatar samwell... Yeah the grow micro bloom is a 3 part base nutrient and the sensi cal is essentially calmag to prevent the problems associated with coco locking out calcium and magnesium
the avatar is form zoolander its will ferrel


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the infor samwell... im finding it hard to source azamax anyway, i hear that canna cure and neem repel are both good too I will stick to the neem and just dilute it more and spray once a week at lights off (now running 18/6 as opposed to 24/0) Your plants are looking great - im hoping for good things with this coco, even the last plant i had to chop, she had nice white roots all over - better than anything i had done in soil before

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i use smart pots as well they create more roots by air pruning and prevents coiling so happier roots my root balls are one big spunge by the time i finish

100% cold pressed neem it will come in a white bottle with black letting and the Einstein oil i think is another process of neem or solution

one kills juveniles and the other kills adults i think ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have seen those air pots - they look quality - might give them a try at some point I basically went for the biggest pot i could get for the biggest pot if you get what i mean ;)