1st DIY Hydroponics Build; Mike Huntherz

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You will do just fine, but over time, you'll see that you find yourself wanting to make things better and better. Upgrading is fun, but will cost you, unless you can find a step bit that's 3"wide so you can reuse your buckets.
You will do just fine, but over time, you'll see that you find yourself wanting to make things better and better. Upgrading is fun, but will cost you, unless you can find a step bit that's 3"wide so you can reuse your buckets.
I have some sterilite tubs I really like, working on a small F&D system ising some of them, but I may go for NFT in the long run. I like playing with stuff, the gear geekery is half the fun. My pump is such low volume 3/4” returns are okay, but I know a bigger pipe would be better, I may have to pull roots out once or twice, no big deal.
Michael in the one pic it looks like the water level in the bucket is just below the pot, if thats the case try lowering the water level in the buckets by putting the buckets up on something, you should have a few inches of water in the bottom of the bucket, it will give you the best results, at the end of the grow it should be one massive root mass from the bottom of the pot to the bottom of the bucket. Depending on how big you grow the full bucket pots may be better, they hold the plant better, but with the small pots for me there only good for one grow the roots get big enough to blow the pot completely apart.
I have some sterilite tubs I really like, working on a small F&D system ising some of them, but I may go for NFT in the long run. I like playing with stuff, the gear geekery is half the fun. My pump is such low volume 3/4” returns are okay, but I know a bigger pipe would be better, I may have to pull roots out once or twice, no big deal.
Since you know how to grow they surely will. Ziptie something like a piece of screen over the inlet so that when when they clog, you can pull the screen off and put a new one on instead of fishing the roots out. That sucks and if the root breaks like mine did you gotta replace the line.
I guess this is bubbleponics? Top-fed RDWC? I am making this shit up. I have a control reservoir on the left with a very small return sump, which is split four ways into three little drippers buried in the hydroton (pulled out to show in one photo) of each bucket. Each grow bucket also has an airstone which are attached to a sizeable airpump rated for a 60-100 gallon aquarium. I repurposed a few Blumat parts I had laying around for the drippers.

I guess you liked my avatar, great imagination friend.
I guess you liked my avatar, great imagination friend.
I have had this avatar on this site for years now, but I congratulate you on your impeccable taste. I take it you, too, are a Zappa pedant? My imagination is pretty spectacular, as yours has to be, if you really think I am copping your style.

(Photo is my current Rdwc build with some Huckleberry DesTar clones and a bell pepper, happy as can be. To keep it on topic.)


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I have had this avatar on this site for years now, but I mist congratulate you on your impeccable taste. I take it you, too, are a Zappa pedant? My imagination is pretty spectacular, as yours has to be, if you really think I am copping your style.

(Photo is my current Rdwc build with some Huckleberry DesTar clones and a bell pepper, happy as can be. To keep it on topic.)
Seriously... uncanny. Peace!
Michael in the one pic it looks like the water level in the bucket is just below the pot, if thats the case try lowering the water level in the buckets by putting the buckets up on something, you should have a few inches of water in the bottom of the bucket, it will give you the best results, at the end of the grow it should be one massive root mass from the bottom of the pot to the bottom of the bucket. Depending on how big you grow the full bucket pots may be better, they hold the plant better, but with the small pots for me there only good for one grow the roots get big enough to blow the pot completely apart.
Good advice, I plan to replace the 6” net pots as needed, I do let the water level run much lower most of the time.
Every one of the females in the pack was really impressive, Dynasty is a very respectable breeder in every way, as far as I can tell.

Thanks for that info Michael...

Hey let me ask you why DWC growers are so focused on massive roots. When I first started hydro about a decade ago, my reading gave me the idea that you didn't need large roots in hydro...because the nutrients were delivered to the roots. That's always puzzled me...all the root porn with root masses the size of a small watermelon. Any thoughts?
I updated mah buckets, still using drippers, one little tube per bucket because Blumat distribution drippers are a sick joke, and airstones in every bucket for redundancy. The sump and both air pumps are on a 750VA battery backup. I also insulated everything. Let’s see how big these tiny clones get running 12/12 under a new 600W from here out, using my newly redesigned fertigation (nutrient solution?) system, herp derp, hydroponics is fun and easy.

Total cost for the hydro setup, without fans filters and lights was less than $200, which includes all of the silicone air and water tubing, air pumps, sump, insulation, buckets, lids, aluminum tape, 3/4” barbed tees and rubber grommets, silicone grease, net pots, and hydroton. One might want to get a 150mm holesaw to drill holes for the net pots in the lids, if one did not have one; which would push it all just over two benjis.

Thanks to Home Depot, and D&B Supply!
I bought one of these yesterday, have you experimented with airstone shape?
Thanks for that info Michael...

Hey let me ask you why DWC growers are so focused on massive roots. When I first started hydro about a decade ago, my reading gave me the idea that you didn't need large roots in hydro...because the nutrients were delivered to the roots. That's always puzzled me...all the root porn with root masses the size of a small watermelon. Any thoughts?
more surface area in theory means more uptake and waste disposal power
more surface area in theory means more uptake and waste disposal power

Hi ahg,
Yes but I'm talking what people do and what works. I'm talking a 3' bush grown in a gallon of coco...or my E&F plants I grew in 5" pots... Both of those examples are watered 4-6 times daily...

Just one of those things that puzzles me.