1st DWC from Outdoor bag seed...seeds????


Active Member
So i grew some bag seed outdoors last year and i let the males pollinate the females to get more seeds. i only had like 15 seeds to start with, 13 of which germinated, 11 of which matured. there was 4 males and 7 females. i have no idea what strain they are. i found the seeds the year before while cleaning my the apt. i lived at while on campus at school.

anyways!!...to get to the point. i ended up with about 80 grams dry weight and a MOUNTAIN of seeds.

here are some pics of my outdoor grown and the results. the jar is a jar of weed butter i made out of the 4 males. almost all the plants were about 3.5+ ft tall. i could only find those two pics of the plants...sorry:cry:



Active Member
And now for the most recent pictures.
These were taken yesterday...so about 2 weeks into veg for the bigger ones...and about 1 week for the smaller ones:mrgreen:

edit: again...thats not how far i keep the lights away...i only move them for picture taking purposes

