

This would be my first DWC grow ever, Im kinda of new to this and I dont quite know everything yet. So I just started my 4 week of veg on sunday, anyways I just kinda want to know if im doing alright since I have no one to ask i came here, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, Thanks guys.......

2 18 Gallon tubs W/ 4 6inch airstones in each one
38 liter a min eccoplus air pump
600 hps aircooled
water temp 66-72
air temp 65-75
humidity 35-45 %
ph. 5.5 jumps to 6.5 in about 2 days

I just cut off all the fans leafs (in the pics)



Active Member
roots.jpgveg cab DWC 1.jpgveg cab DWC.jpg
looking good! My nutes stain my leaves a bit brown.

My frist DWC too. 4th week in veg also Just about 5th. Took the tops as clones last night from the two bubblegums. The smaller AK47 is a bit younger.

Why cut fan leaves though? More photosynthesis to convert more nutrients to make more growth! I wouldn't think you would need to with a 600W. I'm just a newb too though so what do I know!


Active Member
looks good but dont make a habit out of cutting those fan leaves off,there on the plant for a reason.


Well-Known Member
You vegging with a HPS ??? Yeah those fan leaves can stay you dont have to cut them off your plant will use the stored nutes in them ..


Well-Known Member
I would let them veg for another 2 weeks so that some of the fan leaves can grow otherwise your stunting your final product. DO NOT TRIM! You can remove dead ones, tuck them but leaves are transparent and light does get through them!


Well-Known Member
IMAG0105.jpgIMAG0110.jpgIMAG0109.jpg Not trying to JACK just showing you my 18gal. DWC under a 600w Aircooled THIS IS 4x plants. To show you HOW BIG they can get. Make sure yu Flower early man. These flowered at 1mo from clone at 1ft. ended up 3.5ft Be careful. Ima use 2x600w for 8x DWC plants next grow.


Well-Known Member
Running it another 2 weeks then switching to 12/12 would yield a good amount you have 8 nice plants there (hopefully all female) There looks to be a lot of bud sites but you really want those fan leaves back, your plant will probably go into a little shock because of the "pruning" I am bad at guessing weight. How long is the flower period and what nutrients are you using?