i've opted for two totes meaning that i can work on a 4 week rotation. not too much of an issue if you're only getting a new strain each 4 weeks as opposed to whatever you have atm, but means i'll have 4 cheese to harvest followed a month later by 4 LSD folloewd a month later by Lemon haze etc. give it a month or two and i'll have enough selection not to worry about it, unless i smoke it alll
now thats a good rotation man, youd have to be going some to get through thatmany plants worth by the time the next lots ready. gives you a good chance to keep some curing tho 
i shall see how it goes, but i know what you mean about the autopots, right now i know all 3 of mine would enjoy a water but i don't really have the effort to do it today, that's where the dwc idea came in