1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
probably not see Don for a few days so, lets bump this whole thing. Lovely Frosty ladies.
If you have the system turn it up. then a little more.


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i tried to cut the number of pics down but i liked them all so there they are!:joint:

FRIDAAAAAAAAAY WOOOOOOT me and another lad are having a night in with the bloke were both being best man for, the birds have gone up to visit a lassie we know in edinburger, muuuhwhahahaaaahaaaaa ive picked up a bottle of remy got a bag of £10 E's and a couple of g's of bugle. phones are going off its getting messy

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hey I really need to post some pics of the l x cc...I 'm very excited for them. Three phenos too. I'm holding off taking a pic of the Black Rose....it's sweet, looks like someone dumped purple paint on top of the buds. I'll do a shoot of it when it gets to the stunning stage. Smoking some C-4, this shit is nice man I'm real happy with it. Another one with trics piled on trics lol. Nice strong potency : !)
man that whole paragrah just made me smile! cant wait to see these babes.
is black rose available guys?
not commercially ;)
probably not see Don for a few days so, lets bump this whole thing. Lovely Frosty ladies.
mornind D bru, my lass was up at the arse crack of dawn to go to scotland so im up hazey stoned and thinking of a bacon butty but also wondering if i can get away with walking round to gregs in my slippers and dressin gown? thoughts? ta for the bump. as for the proposed big wreck up. Ii got a call from the other best man basically saying another lad we know has invited himself. i dont really like the kid he still owes me money from drugs i fronted for him so i told them to have fun and id see them around of the 4 peepsonly 1 lad chipped in 20 bar . now im generous to a fault but im not a fuckin mug.

so now ive got a boat load of drugs and empty house and the mrs away. and a now half empty bottle of brandy too haha




can you guys see the embedded vid? since the serever updates i havent been able to see any posts of embedded vids. sucks


Well-Known Member
I can see the embedded vid for sure. My misses is going away soon for nearly two weeks! People who don't chip in need to "get tae". That riles me.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I can see the embedded vid for sure. My misses is going away soon for nearly two weeks! People who don't chip in need to "get tae". That riles me.
ah man its the principle of it. fucker just thinks as im floggin a bit weed here n there i can afford to fork for everyones share. you have mates you dont care about paying for if they havent got scratch as you know downline theyll spring for a sesh or whatever when your skint. and some people that you never see when they have money.
Get on it now, get on it now. Said in a constant whisper in your head.lol
hahah i had a half a g last night im leaving it today i need to get shit done, im puttin the auto pots together and will likely need me wits about me or therell be a big watery mess.
Ill have 5 then don lol.
lmao youd be up the A&E before you could say heart attack

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well they come in tens but the lad has recently taken delivery of a lump of MDMA its straight of the chemistry set looks like a fuckin amethyst not sure the price a G yet probably 50


Well-Known Member
I can be in the toon in an hour lol i'll help you put the autopots together and help you to get through your class A stash, see you in a bit mate lol only messing

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Guys honestly I'd love you to pop over. I'm sick of my life sat picking seeds out of AK48. The autos are in situ. I'm a bit concerned its 28 c in there. And its only April. And I've just added a 50 litre bin of water to it. Mouldbait or what?! Summer is going to be hard work I'm going to need a dehumidifier with a thermostat and vent the fucker :(

The crazy train is lush smoke really balanced.


Well-Known Member
Now come on. I was expecting big doings down your way last night, no report?
Read your post about the smuk who didn't pay, can't say as I blame ya..

enjoy your dope and let them wish they were there!
Cheers Brother
Stay Up!!:clap:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Barely... there's a couple of corpses in the living room and a lot of mess. I'm not too bad actually gonna get up get a Bacon and egg butty fired into us tyen soak up some more booze and sun before the match. Those e's are lethal.

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL psycho killers the most i can manage these days tho the chance would be nice lol glad theres hope and u aint too badly mate