1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Right, seal the meat in a very hot pan. Leave it to rest for 30mins. Wrap the fucker in clingfilm(proper stuff, not cheap shite) Put in an oven at 140 for 2hrs. The meat stays pink all the way through and dosen't lose any of its juices and the bonus is its completely cooked. (very little blood for those fussy cunts) I usually cover it in cracked pepper corns before I cover with the clingfilm. Cut it into medalions. Melt a load of butter in a pan and cook the meat, while constantly pouring the butter over it. (only for 5mins this step). I LOVE my meat


Well-Known Member
Just ordered a fillet. Getting it dropped off at work. Gonae do the clingfilm trick with New potatoes covered in garlic butter and chives and a nice pepper sauce. If any jucies escape that fillet, that will be the makings of my pepper sauce. Fuck me Im hungry


Well-Known Member
Just ordered a fillet. Getting it dropped off at work. Gonae do the clingfilm trick with New potatoes covered in garlic butter and chives and a nice pepper sauce. If any jucies escape that fillet, that will be the makings of my pepper sauce. Fuck me Im hungry
I hear that billy, While walking roung Tesco ( just in for bit's n pieces ) i grabbed a chicken thigh from the cookek section on way past lol 'Ravished'
Hit me on my thread for a catch-up


Aye, morning Don. I bet your dreaming of nice thing's right now lol ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just use the tail end of the fillet m8 just so you can perfect it before doing the whole lot. I made that mistake.lol
ah jeebus no im not cooking that mutha in a oner.... im a big lad but thats a touch over my limit haaha.
Just ordered a fillet. Getting it dropped off at work. Gonae do the clingfilm trick with New potatoes covered in garlic butter and chives and a nice pepper sauce. If any jucies escape that fillet, that will be the makings of my pepper sauce. Fuck me Im hungry
i know i put the pic up but its either bud scran or tits up in this thread. winning!?
I hear that billy, While walking roung Tesco ( just in for bit's n pieces ) i grabbed a chicken thigh from the cookek section on way past lol 'Ravished'
Hit me on my thread for a catch-up
Aye, morning Don. I bet your dreaming of nice thing's right now lol ;)
haha just as long as your not up to sambo's tricks :lol: soz jks

been enjoying my sleep this weekend. practically unheard of. had a day trip to a national trust stately hall type deal yesterday foir a picknick. ( yes im officially middle aging disgracefully, what of it! ). loads of fresh air and a few coughs..... lovely n peaceful then a troop of marchers with drums and bagpipes rock up n start giving it scotland the brave at 10 minute intervals. wasn't best pleased. a lone piper that knows his pipes is quite nice but this lot weren't even in tune.

fillet steak is most definatley the dinner of kings. you gonna cut and freeze that fucker don?
Already done :)
Morning All. Watched Jackass 3 last night what a riot!!!!
HAHA High five!!!!!!!....SMACK!
looks like it hurt the high 5 hand eh.
Don you OK over there mate??? awful quite
yeah bro i was spot on just kickin back hitting my bong sorting out the scrog off. which i am 100% cheating on :lol: the reveg mother is ready to flip but im just going to hang back till its had another few weeks veg.
We all have to tend to our women's needs lol, catch ya on the morrow........... (Yeah, right...it's the weekend still. Donny prolly hasn't stopped since 5 bells on Fri ; !)
hahah you know it HC i was in the bad books friday. came home bout 8 from the battle cruiser 3 parts oliver twisted. she was kickin' right off. it's been a weekend of relaxation and tending ever since lol. perfect balance for the weekend if you ask me. but dont tell her indoors that mind....
he's probably got gout after eating a 10kilo filet himself!
hahah me n the lads have a bet on who'll get gout first, i was in the lead but i gave up eating pate' so im in second slot now

have a great week all.