1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alrighty then hows bout this for some off topic shit. yesterday about 1 o'clock the fire alarm went off, we left n thought shit the place is actually on fire. turns out it was a scrap yard just round the corner, shit went UP! this vid is from one of the lads in our building, you could see the smoke for about 6o miles, 100 ft fireballs and explosions. it was epic. 72 firefighters and 14 engines. i was straight over to the pub to start a tab, convinced the lassy on reception to let me back in for my 'keys' hahah not my dope at all......

so it seems we cant embed vids anymore either. what a crock of shit.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Thankfully the tyne is like a wind tunnel so it all blew to the coast. Work smells a bit funny today tho. Got to go n pay the bar tab too :(


Well-Known Member
Hi Don mental vid that matey!!..............i like how the guy says at the end "thats not gunna do the enviroment any good".................errr.........................NO SHIT!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
right, excuse the poor camera work, its from me ipod, and i appeared to have the shakes yesterday?....



Well-Known Member
Haahaa....lookin dank in there mate..wicked!!.......shame your camera skillz arnt as good as you growin skillz!!!, half the vids side ways or upside down lol, then you flip it the right way at the end lol.....classic, you'l get it next time tho ey!


Well-Known Member
i read this first then watched the video so I was too busy trying to think of something funny to write but I couldn't because I was to busy laughing too much.

i agree, A plus growing marks!

have a good one Donny.


Haahaa....lookin dank in there mate..wicked!!.......shame your camera skillz arnt as good as you growin skillz!!!, half the vids side ways or upside down lol, then you flip it the right way at the end lol.....classic, you'l get it next time tho ey!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hahaha thats classic i've got tears in my eyes i had the laptop upside down watching the vid lmao

should of put a little "howay the toon lad" at the end or something ;)

mr west

Well-Known Member
haha the strangest thing happened wen i clicked ur vid, ur avatar started moving. dunno if its ment to move from wen u first put it up but i know this hash aint that strong lol