1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, thanks Don. I didn't realize it was a plaster mixing attachment. The hell I'm gunna buy one of those expensive ass washingmachineagitatorthingamabobbers. . . me and my trusty drill will do just fine.
aye i bought the shittest drill on ebay for like a15 bar including postage, think ive seen hamster wheels turn faster. mixing bit and away you go making a fuckin stinky mess in the kitchen. be warned if you spill the mash it stinks for a long long time


Well-Known Member
Did the taxi drivin go to town!! on your girls bro them mate sounds nasty??...................., least you no his name an shit if its been in court, you can go pay him a visit in a few months, barad and tooled up to the eye balls, teach him a lesson the dick!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That is royally fucked up mate. For hitting someone and fucking up his life, that dude got the same punishment as me, and all i did was carelessly plough into a wall at 70 odd on a deserted country road and pleaded guilty and whatnot. I happily accepted that my punishment was fairly fair for the issue, but hell, these days you can be out in a year or two for "manslaughter" with parole


Well-Known Member
Sound's like some shan crack on the cabbie. Fuck me about 10 or so years back i got 6 moon for driving while banned. Was'nt even in the moter when they caught up, and i got done with the bizzie saying he could still recognize me 14 month's later, from the 2 car's passing at night lol.
Judge was'nt interested so long as the pig was saying he could, even the other lawyer's and clerks were suprised when he stuck to saying that b/s. But it was enough for me to get rammed.

Here's to happier times bro. Even through paying them there wages, we all knew how un-reliable the system is! Hopefully karma catche's up with him ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Eyup donny boy hows tings? lol......love the look of your livers bro what a beaut!!!

cheers man, aye she's ripe for the plucking.
Did the taxi drivin go to town!! on your girls bro them mate sounds nasty??...................., least you no his name an shit if its been in court, you can go pay him a visit in a few months, barad and tooled up to the eye balls, teach him a lesson the dick!!
nah man, her bro's the calm type, and besides if owt like that was gonna happen i wouldn't be posting it up here ;)
That is royally fucked up mate. For hitting someone and fucking up his life, that dude got the same punishment as me, and all i did was carelessly plough into a wall at 70 odd on a deserted country road and pleaded guilty and whatnot. I happily accepted that my punishment was fairly fair for the issue, but hell, these days you can be out in a year or two for "manslaughter" with parole
man the scary thing is if he'd died in the ICU this bloke probably would have gone free through lack of evidence. fucker wiped the motor down and valeted it at 4 am
Sound's like some shan crack on the cabbie. Fuck me about 10 or so years back i got 6 moon for driving while banned. Was'nt even in the moter when they caught up, and i got done with the bizzie saying he could still recognize me 14 month's later, from the 2 car's passing at night lol.
Judge was'nt interested so long as the pig was saying he could, even the other lawyer's and clerks were suprised when he stuck to saying that b/s. But it was enough for me to get rammed.

Here's to happier times bro. Even through paying them there wages, we all knew how un-reliable the system is! Hopefully karma catche's up with him ;)
aye plod have memories like fuckin elephants eh man.

anyway enough. its done with. ive got to go n catch up on yesterdays missed work. laters peeps

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah cof you know i watched that and thought, you know i have been that drunk coming home. those nights when your feet have auto piloted you home but hit a few things DUI style on the way. last time i damaged my tendons in my left foot trying to roll myself up the drive way. hurt for months.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
went up to my pals the other night, i sorted him out 3 each psycho n livers, he's under a 600 cooltubed in soil, the fan leaves are fuckin huge. much bigger than mine in comparison.

now i know i've got sausage fingers but they are maffis.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah yeah deffo he killed a whole tray of clones by not opening the prop vents. he learned from the master lmao. i was tellin my lass i was losing my touch yesterday n she said its cos your always pissed. no bueno. need to get back on the straight n narrow for a bit methinks

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
As one who thoroughly appreciated alcohol for many years and has been thru dt's, smoking quality full time is a lot easier on the body and mind.


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
damn man i had to google DT's, doesnt sound good in the slightest, id probably give up the booze too. well maybe haha
I was in an auto accident that occcured when I was sober-.03, that left me in a medically induced come for three weeks and the anesthesia they used caused hallucinations and memory loss so I really don't remember. But I had limited my alcohol intake to no more than 2 beers until this year when I stopped alltogether and can honestly say I don't miss it...but cigarettes are another story-I don't think the cravings ever go away and it's been almost 5 years.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn man that sounds harsh. just being in a coma is harsh enough but after a car crash, i bet it was better to be out than conscious. my boss says the same thing about the cigs. always wants one. especially after a joint, he smokes this funny herbal stuff it looks like sage and onion and apparently is flavoured with honey. tastes like floor sweepings to me but hey at least he's not smoking


Well-Known Member
Cig are the worst to quit. i quit once for a year, and as of new years im back on em trying to quit again, i have to talk myself into not lighting up. im not a heavy drinker tho i only drink tequila and vodka, and no cheap ish.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i recently started having the odd cig when drinking then got back into them. my lass doesn't know though shhhhh. im going to quit again tho for like the 4th time. this break has been the longest about 2 years. cant believe i let myself go back.

every time i drink tesquilaaaa things go blank and i wake up in bother.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hehehe, thats funny donnie, whats a lass? and could you possibly make a video of your TCH extaction from the bud..that would be super cool.
hope your well.