1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Looks like you've been a busy boy and now we know why you've been so quiet this week end. Nice looking harvest and new set -up for the next round and just in time for your dam escape, very well timed and executed.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm just sat stoned still wondering what would happen if a qrazy train was hit by a cheesequake. Which in turn raises the questions of in what manner does a qrazy train act and how does a cheesequake work? My mind has just derailed.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
cheesequake crazytrain

Ozzies last stand
Ozzies insanity
chasey trake
traky chasey

I don't know man, that's a tough one. I had renamed my Ice to Fruity Pebbles lol. Maybe you could incorporate the smell into the name somehow. Is that what came down off the scrog? Nice job and nice harvest too! Thanks for the pics ; !)



Well-Known Member
hopefully he'll have some €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ as well, ye olde Pond is not accepted here chavvies ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
class D u had me looking on the keyboard for the euro sign but i knew there wasnt one ;)

edit - on a standard US UK keyboard i should add

edit edit - hmm fried egg sandwich with jerk sauce :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Looks like you've been a busy boy and now we know why you've been so quiet this week end. Nice looking harvest and new set -up for the next round and just in time for your dam escape, very well timed and executed.
took some doing COF man, came together nicely in the end though. think ive just about run through the majority of issues thatare possible with the aurtopots.said touching the wood table....
thanks man!
I'm just sat stoned still wondering what would happen if a qrazy train was hit by a cheesequake. Which in turn raises the questions of in what manner does a qrazy train act and how does a cheesequake work? My mind has just derailed.
purple fuckin frosty train or Pfft id got to this morning on the bus, think ill have to suck it n see.
cheesequake crazytrain
Ozzies last stand
Ozzies insanity
chasey trake
traky chasey

I don't know man, that's a tough one. I had renamed my Ice to Fruity Pebbles lol. Maybe you could incorporate the smell into the name somehow. Is that what came down off the scrog? Nice job and nice harvest too! Thanks for the pics ; !)

hahah man i just dont know ozzie's missus maybe she's got pink hair aint she?

thanks buddy
Sweet harvest Don. £££££££££££££££'s and plenty to smoke. lol
well im just about to go and de stalk the thinner branches might have a little weigh up of that just to guesstimate whats left to dry.
hopefully he'll have some €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ as well, ye olde Pond is not accepted here chavvies ;)
damn right! tho i cant go too crazy ive got a week away coming up. really want to try a coupleof nice things though. quaze/grinspoon and a few other choice sativas.
thanks for watchin peeps!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Pfft, haha, i like it, weed is always named on marketing appeal, mega, super, GOD BUD! I like the names which give you that false sense of security :D make ya pack that little bit too much into the bong :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looking good don, very nice indeed
cheers , you made a decision on your beans yet?
Pfft, haha, i like it, weed is always named on marketing appeal, mega, super, GOD BUD! I like the names which give you that false sense of security :D make ya pack that little bit too much into the bong :D
hahah might call it the velvet hammer. in that case.

the 2 livers came in at 9 ounces and 2 grams. the psycho still needs a little more.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey donny, how ya doing? Not long now till we meet, canae wait man. Smoking some nice cured deep psycho grapey skunkyness this eve on me on cuz the princess went bed hours ago lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how do lad!? aye its going to be a treat to finally meet up eh. im good just munchin on some brownie. not special brownie but brownie none the less. got the day off tomorrow. the bosses are off golfing,. gonna plot some sort of romantic evening in with shorty the morrow. think she's feelin left out me going to the dam n all that.

honest this run of dope does funny things to my sinus sini? either way i look like a glue sniffer for a half hour after a jakey.

hope your good me old china

mr west

Well-Known Member
im sound mate. Been a bit strange round here with the loss but its getting etter each day bless her. Itll be reet. So do u sound like the hairy bikers?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Loss? what loss? oh shit mate your cat. i was thinking your threads been awful quiet for a while. i think im unsubbed for some reason!? sorry to hear that mate sucks when part of the fam goes.

aye i actually do sound like the hairy bikers. i was brought up in durham for a good while. my twang is a bit all over really. wait till i've had a few britneys haaha

just been in to burp the jars and fucked if my eyes aren't streaming. dunno whats up with me i think i may have become allergic to dope. they reckon your allergies change every 7 years.


Well-Known Member
Nasty weed hayfever Don. I get it too. If I roll a stick with fresh, good weed my eyes go like Ive just been dumped by Cheryl Cole.lol

Ive got to say Im pretty impressed with the AK48's. Defo a strain I'll do again. My new op is about 1 week into veg. It's Northern soul. U ever heard or tried that??

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin fella, aye me peepers are like i've been pepper sprayed. ne fun. hope it passes once the dopes cured.

aye ak48 is a good cheap strain fast finish good weight and the dopes not lightweight strength wise. not heard of northern soul? well apart from that mob of skinheads doing backflips n tha :lol:


Well-Known Member
mornin fella, aye me peepers are like i've been pepper sprayed. ne fun. hope it passes once the dopes cured.

aye ak48 is a good cheap strain fast finish good weight and the dopes not lightweight strength wise. not heard of northern soul? well apart from that mob of skinheads doing backflips n tha :lol:
Its a cross between Northern Lights and Skunk#1. Sounds the part. U got a wee day off 2day. Sun is shining in the West

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i was just lookin at it there mate, thought you were after a visit from the fairy? aye ive the day off, got plenty of graft to do mind but it'll be at a very leisurely stoned pace. and aye its beaming the day, but ive to stay sober, got to go visit my lasses bro tonight. having a titanium plate fitted today. tho i reckon a couple of sneaky brews couple be on the cards.

more de twigging this morning. tissues at the ready but ive run out of kilner jars. i dont like using tupperware but needs must


Well-Known Member
I need to wait until the AK's r finished m8. Thats where I'm going to keep my mothers. Another 2 weeks and I'll be sprinkling fairy dust outside my front door to entice her