well when you see dank about the boards all you want to do is try it yourself eh!?
heat is a bitch, it's a force of nature we wish we could control. tho i imagine it's still cold for the Laos sativa and her usual latitude!? if a damn sight drier. dryer or drier, i'm really fucked up, funny that after a crop.good morning. i hope your doing well. thanks for the suggestions wiith my heat issues.
. what is that lovely exotic plant in the very middle picture? is that the late bloomer LAOS you were talking about? DONT KILL HER!
please , she is amazing looking . doesnt look like shes doing any harm being around and not taking up much room right? is it your lighting with your new grow that will mess her up? shes at 12/12 and your new ones will be 18/6? Youve come so far with her and now shes flowering beautifully , i would love to see you finish her don.
your new line up sounds smashing! my smelly cherry is coming along nicely. In this picture do you see the circular scrog screen i have hanging up high in the phototron. I was thinking of dropping it down to train her . What do you think of that idea cowboy?
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man i wonder if i'm just selfish or should i want to settle down and do family life but at the moment i don't feel it. but then again the guy i know with kid all said if you try n plan for one it's never the right time. i try not to say never and having bairns is one of those things, if it happens it happens. but till then fuck that!Hey donnie boy ...
I was reading a few pages back ... your still a young lad ...no worries bru!
Some poeple tink im in my early twenties... .. (think i smoked myself stupid)..anyhow..
Lifes a hell of a rollercoaster at times.. kinda ... great and then not so great at times..
But now that im older things kinda leveled out and all..
We all been there... i been locked up many times for coke.. and been through so many drug programs, counseling, therapy,seen shrinks, all very early in life..
I changed in many ways ..dont drink to much or do hard stuff anymore ..just erbs now and lots of cigs for stress....
Its reallly alll how u look at things.. situations, people , family , friend s, can all kinda throw u off...
But its all just a part of the journey ...
I can truly say that i dont have much ... but ive never been happier in my life..
maybe it the kush talking..lol
peace bro..
....or washing your car or mowing your lawn.Well if anything will chase away the good weather, it's buying a bbq, lol.
you might as well get out your umbrella for grilling in the rain.the lawns cut lol, i got my mate to do it the other day hahahaha.
is this a poor chat up line or wot? think entered thread wrong time here hahai'm picnicking this after. boss said i can work from home. i'm topless in the garden. EFFIN WINNIG!
Carefull u dunt get ya titties burned, falling asleep in the sun mate lol.i'm picnicking this after. boss said i can work from home. i'm topless in the garden. EFFIN WINNIG!
I do love a tan line...LOLCarefull u dunt get ya titties burned, falling asleep in the sun mate lol.