1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

where fools seldom differ lol. Hope u bring us back something nice lol, and that u and the mrs are relaxing and holidayosing
well hello my faithful followers; ive comandeered an interwebz portql briefly!! The keys on the fuyckin keyboqrd qre all in the wrong plqce so excuse the ,isstypes....

weathers ;int the people qre fqntqsticly friendly the beer is fucking expensive :/ bqck to the toon in q few dqys updqtes q plenty....

hqve been on q cqmel in the sqhqrq fucksqkas the sahara i meqn balls. grrrrrrr

bqck to blighty asap have had a blinder but i pine for my girls andf the co,forts of ho,e a fat spliff a pint of beer not so,e piss week 33cl of local guff:

tried to buy so,e gear while here turned out to be two wrapped up fingers of incense lol serves ,e right.. anyway catch up when i get back the ,issus wants to fqcebook....

qt leqst the toon qre winning!!!!!!!


fro, q corner of tunisiq that is forever englqnd

lol sounds like fun over there ur lucky u didnt get busted trying to score a smoke lol. Cant wait to see ur plants after the break man see ya soon.
Neil Warnock is a C**T! Not shaking hands just ain't cricket. I'm a Rangers fan.

Are you back today Don?
my girlfriend just cheered wen i read this post out loud lol, shes a rangers fan too lmao. Got some cherry flavoured ripps today, hmm not sure bout em lol sweeet on the lips lol